Christmas manicure

Christmas manicure
 The image of the Queen's New Year's ball is made up of many components. This neat and tidy hairstyle, comfortable and elegant clothes, emphasizing all the advantages of your appearance makeover. But one element is often overlooked or not paying him enough attention. This stunning and attracts the attention of a New Year manicure.  

What you need to do to your nails to complement the image, rather than destroying it? Firstly, it should be able to take care of their health and nails. If you neglect a range of treatments for a year, on the eve of the holiday is better to find time to care for your hands.

Prepare the skin and get emollient cream. There are special tools that can help get rid of the cuticles and nails to make a healthy natural shine, to strengthen them and turn from groomed and untidy in akkurtanye and beautiful. If possible, visit a specialist who will advise you and help in the rehabilitation of hand.

You do not have to spend a large amount of financial resources to achieve their goals, because there are many different popular recipes. Ask the older generation, or find tips on the Internet or books: the nails and hands will love baths with herbs, packs, masks. Pamper your body with beauty treatments that do not really require a lot of time.

What should be a real Christmas manicure? Most importantly - pleasing you and harmoniously woven into the created image. If you stick to the clothes of the same color, you can afford to play with colors of nail polish, but do not forget about compatibility. Conversely, very bright outfit better mitigate muted manicure.

Festive manicure - this is not just a simple varnish. This is also an opportunity to decorate your nails pictures and various accessories. Especially popular miniature crystals. You can select the image corresponding to the fashion trends, or take advantage of the Eastern horoscopes. For example, in 2011 the Queen Christmas ball became Catwoman, which is reflected not only in a leopard print on clothing, but also in manicure relevant patterns.

However, what experiment you would not have dared to take care of the safety of their New Year's manicure. Apply a top layer pattern securing clearcoat that does not damage the substrate. In addition, if you expect the kitchen chores, use protective gloves: so you will save not only your nails from damage and excessive influence of moisture, but also to keep the skin soft and smooth.

Tags: hand, manicure, nail varnish