Vitamins for nail growth

Vitamins for nail growth
 Reasons for the slow growth, fragility, bundle, irregularities and yellow nails can be: aggressive environment and lack of care for the hands. But more often weak nails signal the lack of the necessary vitamins in the body. The solution to this problem would be welcome synthetic or natural vitamins to strengthen and nail growth.
 Pharmaceutical companies offer specially designed multivitamin complexes for nail growth, which can be purchased in pharmacies. If you try to eat a balanced daily eat fresh fruits and vegetables, meat and fish, dairy products, then surely these problems you will not be affected even during the spring beriberi. But if by February you feel constant fatigue, apathy, and quickly get tired, it indicates a lack of vitamins in the body. Anyway, pay close attention to the condition of nails, and in the case of the first signs of vitamin deficiency - the bundle, brittleness, discoloration, roughness, etc. tuberosity - Should start to be interested complexes for power and strengthen nails.

Perhaps the greatest sign of healthy nails - their normal growth. Pharmaceutical preparations should include in its membership the following vitamins (however, when properly selected diet drugs may well be replaced by products). Understand exactly what is missing your nails, you can, if you look for the changes that occur with them.

The formation of white strips indicate a lack of B vitamins, in part A, C, E and calcium. Delamination of nails, brittle, dry, slow growth and thinning - the body lacks vitamins C, D, E, and A. Yellow is the color, relief grooves indicate a lack of vitamin PP. It is found in bread, brewer's yeast, liver, fish, lean meat, poultry breast, eggs, cheese, potatoes, sesame seeds, dates, prunes.

Vitamin A enters the body through the liver of beef, chicken or fish, fish oil, butter, egg yolk.

Vitamin E supply vegetable oil, sunflower seeds and nuts, liver, eggs, cereals, beans, broccoli, wild rose, buckthorn, mountain ash.

Sources of vitamin D are cod liver oil, herring, mackerel, salmon, tuna and dairy products, and vitamin C - kiwi, cabbage, citrus fruits, currants, rose hips.

Acceleration of nail growth may contribute to calcium intake, which is abundant in dairy products, and silicon, which are the suppliers onions, spinach and seafood. Do not avoid and iron products. Iodine and sulfur is not less actively contribute to the rapid growth of nails.

If you give preference to synthetic multivitamins or nutritional supplements, all of the above must be present in the health complex to grow and strengthen nails.

Tags: hand, growth, nail, beauty, health, complex, vitamin, health improvement