Align the nail plate. This can be done with a soft sanding or sawing polishing bar. To not lose elasticity nails, rub them oil - almond, castor or olive. Do not polish the plate too hard, it makes the nails brittle and fragile. When finished, put on your nails one or two layers of spies, filling grooves and bumps.
Do not forget to treat the cuticle. For its ideal state weekly manicure enough. After each hand washing Slide your skin at the nail rough towel or linen napkin. At night, rub in cuticle area special oils, blocking its growth. Sprawling epithelium scrape plastic blades or sticks of orange tree.
Once a week, apply on the cuticle of the acid solution, helps to remove excess skin. If not edging manicure enough, use sharp scissors or clippers. Carefully remove the skin at the base of the nail, removing it one ribbon, without breaks. This technique will prevent fingers from injury.
Choose the right varnish. Dark shades visually lengthen your nails. Use the gamut from dark red to black. Avoid bright, pastel and pearlescent colors - they shorten the nail plate. Apply the polish as close as possible to the cuticle, leaving white stripes at the base of the nail. But from the side edges can retreat - it narrows the nail plate.
Cover the nail two or three coats of lacquer for a perfect color saturation. To not formed along the edge of unkempt white stripe, after the first layer type on the brush a little polish and draw it along the edge of the nail, as it were, "sealing" it. This technique extends the nails and manicure makes more accurate. On the dried up varnish apply one or two coats of the mirror coating - shiny glossy nails look longer and manicure with a protective coating lasts longer.