The procedure for handling a broken nail consists of several stages:
1. Clean the surface - to break the edge was easy to connect, they must be cleaned. Sawing should be soft not to damage the nail structure. Move the nail file from the top of the nail towards its tip.
2. Treat nail disinfectant. There are special scrubs that degrease the surface, remove excess moisture without drying your nails. Moisten a cotton ball in the solution several times and spend on the nail.
3. Prepare a piece of fabric, which you will glue the halves of the nail. Commonly used artificial material (faybeglass) or natural fabrics (linen or silk). If you purchased a tape, then cut the required amount of fabric, focusing on the size of the cracks. Also, commercially available strips of fabric already cut to the shape of the nail. For the restoration of the nail is convenient to use silk or fajberglass, they are thinner than flax.
4. Attach the fabric to crack the top and secure it with glue. Wait until the glue dries, then start treating nail buff, leveling the surface.
5. Polish the nail using nail files and nourishing oil. To finally paint defect, apply lacquer, preferably in two layers.
This technique will help to keep the nail for some time, but no more than 4-5 days, because the load on the nails will remain the same. In most emergency situations, when the required set of instruments is not at hand, can be used as a normal connective tissue paper napkin, and it will help to consolidate transparent or white nail polish. Nail file processing and surface leveling complete "repair", and you can adjust the manicure in the salon or at home.