To strengthen nails, you can try the effectiveness of vitamin tea. To make it, you need to mix a tablespoon of fruit of alder, nettle and shepherd's purse. Add to the resulting dry mixture of 3 tablespoons of elderberry flowers and 2 tablespoons of wheat grass root. Pour a glass of boiling water one teaspoon of herbs. Infuse overnight in a thermos. Need to take 4 times a day for half a glass of 20 minutes after a meal. The course of treatment is 10 days.
Moreover, in any pharmacy items you can buy vitamin complex, specifically designed to strengthen not only nails, and hair. If you are taking certain vitamins in addition, be aware that not all are compatible. For example, vitamin E activity is significantly reduced when using it in combination with the iron. Simultaneously with calcium, iron and copper in any case can not take zinc. For lack of copper in the body can cause an excess of vitamin C is necessary to watch carefully and take vitamins for normal day. Too large a dose can cause serious poisoning.