How to use a solarium: solarium as how quickly a tan in the solarium

 Sunlight gives us vitality. In the tanning process strengthens the immune system, stimulates the production of physiologically active substances and the protective functions of the skin. In the end, tanned body - it's just beautiful! Today, for the purchase of a golden hue and health promotion is not necessary to go to the south, all the same, you can get in the solarium. Women's magazine JustLady tell you about how to properly use a solarium to the procedure bring only benefits and good mood.  

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Often, going to the procedure, we forget about the main reasons for our actions - the rehabilitation and strengthening of the immune system. We do not want to wait long for a beautiful color, we only think abouthow quickly a tan in the solarium.

Is this possible, and how safe is it? First, let's consider a principle that lies at the heart of work solarium. Lamps in different kinds of tanning beds can vary in power, but when approving the specific modification of the apparatus, it is tested in order to identify the time in which untanned people with normal skin can get the optimum amount of ultraviolet radiation.

Conventionally, this amount is referred to as 4MED, ie 4 minimal erythema dose. Some people believe that in order toquickly get a tan in the solariumYou can either increase the tanning time, or select the device with more power lamps. This is misleading. These characteristics (time and power) can not be interchanged.

But the value of the minimum erythema dose that is recommended for you depends on your type and color. For this reason, experts solarium and set the duration and frequency of sessions.

How to use a solarium: solarium as how quickly a tan in the solarium

Also, many seek to bridge the gap between sessions, wantingtan in the solarium quickly. And here it is important to know the date 2.

1. After the procedure, Sun pigmentation evident within 1-8 hours and lasts from days or more. With each new procedure, the "developer" is reduced, and the stability of sunburn increases. And this does not necessarily run in the solarium every day. In addition, frequent stimulation of the processes occurring in the body, causing fatigue and similar unpleasant phenomena.

2. In the process of tanning disturbed protein production rate. When you give him time to recover, tanning procedure brings only benefits. Moreover, the protective function of the skin are increased, it becomes more resistant to sunburn (40%). If you are taking a sunbath too often, trying toquickly get a tan in the solarium, The time for recovery of protein synthesis is not. As a result, it matiruet mutations accumulate and lead to skin diseases and of the whole organism.

After the procedure, after a few hours you will feel the tension of the skin and noticed a slight redness. This is normal, and tells you that you have received the maximum dose of ultraviolet radiation. Aspiringquickly get a tan in the solariumYou can ignore this fact and duration of the following procedure to install the same. This is not recommended, moreover, the next session is better to cut a little.

From all this it can be seen that seekquickly get a tan in the solarium unwise and even downright dangerous.

How to use a solarium

First of all, you need to consult your doctor whether you can sunbathe. If you are taking certain types of drugs, it can serve as a contraindication for the procedure, or you may be advised to wait until the end of the course.

When you come to a tanning salon, ask to see certificates and specifications used lamps. In order toright solariumYou need to know two things: the period and the amount of production of lamps UV-radiation.

If the lamp life is not more than 20 hours, it is better to reduce the session. UV-radiation you are interested in terms of the number percent of UV-B. If you have dark skin, you need to figure 2, 4%, and with a light thin skin it should not exceed 0, 7%.

Correct solarium - Then apply the remedy. Do not neglect the special makeup for tanning (sunscreen leave the house). Cover lipstick with sunscreen. Be sure to cover your head - under the action of ultraviolet rays hair become dry and brittle.

How to use a solarium: solarium as how quickly a tan in the solarium

Cover the private parts, and be sure to cover your chest! Eyes also need to be protected. The fact that you have closed them, does not guarantee protection against burn the retina. Put normal sunglasses, but the lenses are better off.

If you come to sunbathe for the first time, be sure to consult with a specialist about the machine's control panel to vases if the need arises, you can quickly call for help.

In order toright solariumYou need to prepare for this skin. In addition to the use of special funds for the Sun, give up washing with soap and water before the procedure - overdried skin loses its protective properties and can burn.

After the procedure is also recommended to use the facilities after tanning. These drugs are usually designed to moisturize the skin and soothe redness. In stores ask it means for use in a solarium.

Also, you definitely need some time to relax - your body was full of ultraviolet is too active and he needs time to switch to normal mode.

How solarium

Typically decideas a solariumHelps specialist who serves the procedure. It all depends, as already mentioned, the type of skin. Do not seek to carry out in the solarium as much time as holding your smuglokozhih girlfriend. If you have very fair skin, you can earn burns.

You are right, of course, decide for themselvesas a solariumBut the usual recommendations are as follows:
- Course - 10 sessions
- The duration of the course - 2-3 weeks
- Support the procedure (after reaching the desired shade) - 1-2 sessions per week

Remember and that the skin must necessarily rest and do not spend a whole year in the solarium. The optimum amount - twice a year 15-20 courses of treatments.

Alexander Panyutin
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: Ambassador, a forum, a solarium, a session principle, wash, tan