7 hormones tone

 Often we feel lethargic and depressed due to violation of production of certain hormones in the body. And this imbalance can cause not only disease of the endocrine system, but also stress, colds, poor diet, sedentary lifestyle.  


Female sex hormone. Produced in the ovaries. Accelerates cell renewal, supports the elasticity of blood vessels, protects them from cholesterol, gives the skin elasticity and nature - femininity and softness, helps the nervous system to cope with stress.

To maintain normal levels of estrogen needed vitamins E (corn, sunflower, linseed, olive oil, germinated cereals, beans, kidney beans) and K (spinach, pumpkin, peas, beef liver, egg yolks), and folic acid Sun (parsley, cauliflower and cabbage).


Male hormone (androgen). A symbol of strength and sexuality. Produced by the testes and adrenal cortex. Lack makes men irritable, not only reduces the potency, but the overall tone of the body, memory and performance.

Help raise the level of foods rich in zinc (animal protein: beef, lean pork, lamb, seafood: crabs, oysters, mussels and pumpkin seeds). But beer in an amount greater than 0, 5 liters per day reduces the production of testosterone.


Hormone care and love. It is produced by the adrenal glands. Most of oxytocin released into the blood: for women - in the first months after birth, men - after having sex with the woman. His lack of drives in depression, increases the level of anxiety.

Do not skimp on the positive emotions: in contrast to the "animal" testosterone production of oxytocin depends on the emotions - affection, love, desire to protect. Chocolate, bananas, avocados and foods rich in selenium (asparagus, zucchini, squash, celery) increase its production.


Hormone harmony and mind. Produced by the thyroid gland. Controls metabolism, coordination, gives shape to the body palatability. Excess leads to loss of muscle mass, lack - to reduce obesity and intelligence. When his imbalance suffer from insomnia, palpitations, anxiety, tearfulness, and inability to concentrate.

Violations of thyroxin are often associated with a lack of iodine in the body (its sources: seaweed, seafood and iodized products - salt, bread, milk).


Hormone self-defense. Is produced in the adrenal glands. Is responsible for the self-preservation instinct, with stress leads embattled all body systems. Protects against infections, stimulates the immune system. By the way, there is a healthy glow on our cheeks thanks to this hormone, which - when necessary - dilates blood vessels and relieves spasms.

In order to better withstand stress, start the day with yogurt. It contains a tyrosine amino acid required for the synthesis of noradrenaline. Also stimulates the production of this hormone, beta-carotene (Griz fresh carrots).


"Sweet" hormone. Produced by the pancreas. It was he who splits eaten us sweets and converted into energy. Improper development of insulin leads to the development of diabetes, disturbances in the cardiovascular system. Among the first "bells" - lethargy, loss of memory and attention.

"Bad" - refined - carbohydrates (muffins, cakes, white bread) impair insulin metabolism, "good" - unrefined (bread from wheat flour, brown sugar cane, fresh and roasted vegetables) - stimulated. Insulin - the hormone movement, after an hour of fitness training its amount increases by 5 - 7%.


Hormone physical activity. Is produced by the pituitary gland. Responsible for muscle tone, fat burning, strength of joints and ligaments. By the way, the women responsible for the tone of the muscles that support the breasts. With its lack muscles become flabby skin on the hands, buttocks and other parts of the body droops.

Its production is stimulated vitamin C, unsaturated fatty acids Omega-3 (herring, tuna, mackerel, purified fish oil capsules), proteins - animals (lean beef, turkey, chicken) and vegetable proteins (the main source - rice, soybeans, red beans ).


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