Many would argue that if you regularly eat cabbage, the breast will grow. Of course, this is a myth. But in fact, there are products that can contribute to breast augmentation. These include flaxseed, soybeans, dried apricots, figs, corn, milk, nuts, garlic, olive oil. You can also drink before each meal for half a cup of broth of hop cones, but this option can cause weight gain.
If you are over 18, you can increase breast size by only 1 maximum. Of course, you must do physical exercises to improve muscle tone breasts. Engage with dumbbells and do push-ups. Every day do the following exercise: connect palms at chest level and push a few seconds of each other. You should feel the muscles tense. Then relax your hands, straighten your shoulders and repeat this exercise. On the day you need to do at least 50 approaches.
Favorably on the size of the mammary glands acts douche. It should be done daily for 5-7 minutes, massaging the breasts flow of water. Do not use too much pressure, you should not experience discomfort. No need to also make the water too hot or cold, large temperature changes will have no effect. The water temperature should be from a little cool to moderately hot.
Daily to do breast massage with essential oils. Smooth circular motion walk through all of the breast. You can use any oil. And not only during a massage. Make it a rule to include regularly aromalampu. Pleasant smells not only improve our mood, they also have a beneficial effect on metabolism and health. Some scholars argue that aromatherapy is able to influence the growth of the breasts.
If you want to enlarge your breasts, give up dieting and excessive exercise. After all, if you lose weight, the chest is also reduced in size. Eat regularly in the diet must be present vegetables, fruits, meat, dairy products and nuts.