Cellulite is not a disease, there is no such thing in any medical encyclopedia. But, nevertheless, it is not only a cosmetic defect. Cellulite - is a specific change in the subcutaneous adipose tissue. A wholly-owned funds in the fight against this scourge does not exist. Every woman needs a personal approach. But the most effective ways to combat cellulite are massage and hot wraps.
Before proceeding to the vacuum massage and wraps, make sure that you do not have contraindications to such procedures. This is a different skin diseases, the presence of cancer tumors, blood diseases, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis.
Vacuum massage - a great alternative to anti-cellulite massage salon. Vacuum massage is performed using special cans made of latex. These banks can buy at the pharmacy. Not immediately say that the procedure is very painful but very effective.
Before you spend massage, clean the skin with coffee scrub. Mix 3 tablespoons of coffee grounds with a small amount of shower gel, active movements, apply the mixture on the problem areas, massage. After that, rinse with a mixture of water. Now you can start to massage.
In order to ensure the normal slip vacuum skin banks, use oil. You can use special cosmetic anti-cellulite oil. You can cook your own anti-cellulite mixture. Purchase at the pharmacy almond oil - base, orange oil, grapefruit oil. In the base oil, add a few drops of aromatic citrus oils, massage the mixture is ready.
One leg on a chair. Pour a small amount of massage oil on your palm. Rub the oil into the leg, moving from foot to hip. Attach a vacuum jar to the skin surface, a little press down on the top of the bank prisosetsya to the skin. Massage is necessary to start from the bottom, gradually moving up. You can make a zigzag motion, motion in a circle. Banks should slide on the surface of the skin, if the bank is constantly unstuck, apply an additional portion of the oil.
Time of the procedure gradually increase, start with 10 minutes for each leg. Massage should be at least 3 times per week. Otherwise, you will not achieve the desired result. Massage should be done to achieve sustainable redness. Do not massage the inner thighs.
After completing the massage, you can proceed to the second step - the hot wraps. After the massage improves blood circulation, the nutrients contained in the mask for wrapping will have a more pronounced effect.
Mixture to wrap can be made at home. Blue clay pour into the container, dilute with hot water to liquid sour cream. 1 tablespoon ground cinnamon add a clay mixture, add 2 drops of oils of orange and grapefruit. The resulting mass is abundantly applied to the legs, thighs and stomach, food wrap with plastic wrap. Take a horizontal position, take cover with a warm blanket. The time of the procedure - 30 minutes. At the end of the set time, go into the shower, pull, rinse with warm water mixture from the skin. After showering wipe dry with a towel. Apply a moisturizer to the skin of legs, thighs and abdomen.
Such procedures should be carried out in the complex. Combine vacuum cellulite massage and hot wraps. Spend procedures regularly, at least 3 times a week. After a few days, the skin will become more taut, smooth. And after a few weeks you will notice that the hated cellulite gradually leave you.