There are many different techniques and methods to find out the ideal weight for yourself. For example, the Lorentz formula is one of the simplest and most common ways to calculate this parameter.
To calculate the ideal weight for yourself the Lorentz formula, woman enough to know its growth. It is easy to measure, even with a tape. To do this you need to get back to the wall and make a mark, which will be recorded the highest point of the head (crown).
Then, the resulting segment (floor-to-label) may be trying tape. When growth is known, you can start the calculations. It occurs according to a formula in several stages.
Subtract from growth in centimeters 100. For example, if the growth of women 170 centimeters, then it has to get the value 70 (170-100 = 70). It will be set to 1.
Now, again, from the value of its growth subtract 150. In this example, the result will be the number 20 (170-150 = 20). This number must be divided by two. This value will be numbered 2. We it is 10 (20/2 = 10).
And finally, the final stage of the calculation of own ideal weight would be subtracting from the value of 1 to 2. The result will be an ideal weight for this woman. In our example, the ideal weight is 60 kg girl (70-10 = 60).
Lawrence form can be written as a single line, as follows:
Ideal weight = (P-100) - (P-150) / 2,
Where P - is the growth of women in centimeters.
The advantage of this method is its amazing simplicity. Even Calculator is not a necessary attribute, as all elementary math and easily carried in mind.
But this method of calculation of ideal weight and have a serious drawback. This formula does not take into account the human physique, which means that the result will be a rather large error.