Of course, the name suggests something colorful and bright, as the foundress of fashion design bikini is a Brazilian girl. It should be remembered that this procedure is quite painful, and is not suitable for women with very sensitive skin. Ability to tolerate pain - is the most important quality for Brazilian hair removal, so it is suitable only for the brave and persistent people.
Also negative aspects bikini waxing are possible skin irritation, entering various infections. Before the decision to make depilation is advisable to check the health and status of the immune system. The weaker person's immunity, the higher the risk of negative effects on the entire body.
Of course, giving bikini spicy kind in vogue and enjoys great popularity. Neat girl watching her appearance, including the intimate parts of the body. That this is the use of hair removal treatments on Brazilian technology. But the damage in various hair removal, non-sterile and paralegal professionals can lead to a sad outcome.
It is worth noting that it is not recommended for hair removal for people with disorders and diseases of the skin (eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis), as it may aggravate the condition of the skin. Diabetes mellitus - is another disease in which the hair removal should be done with caution and only after consulting with your doctor. This is due to the fact that when the sugar content of the blood and various lesions to heal wounds for a long time.
Accordingly, to solve the need for Brazilian waxing should weigh the "pros" and "cons" to beauty did not lead to damage to human health.