Ten exercises for beautiful hands

Ten exercises for beautiful hands
 Very often with age, women face unpleasant phenomenon - arm muscles lose elasticity and sag. It looks ugly and a lot of inconvenience: the hands have to hide, wear long sleeves, but in the heat, you see, is not very convenient. In addition, often the weak arm muscles speak about violation of posture that spoils the whole piece as a whole.  

To make a graceful hand and tightened, have pretty sweat in the gym. Mandatory training with dumbbells, and not to pump the muscles and make them overly relief choose dumbbells weighing less than 2.1 kg. The number of repetitions it is desirable to double.

Hand exercises can be included in regular classes shaping or aerobics, a variety of power unit. Start with a warm-up exercise, this rule must be followed strictly. At the end of training to do relaxation exercises for stretching.

In general exercises for the arm muscles can be divided into 2 types: block to the front of the arms - the biceps and back muscles to block - triceps. Incidentally, the triceps - one of the most problematic of female hands.

So after a workout and aerobic unit starts to work on his hands. Exercise first - Mahi hands to the sides. Legs slightly bend at the knees, dumbbell in both hands, palms facing down. Lean forward, back straight and arms hang down freely. Now straighten up, hands in front of chest and Freeze in this position for a few seconds. Then go up on your toes and move your hands up so that they were above his head. Return to the starting position. Exercise repeat at least 15 times.

For the following exercise you need to rely on a stable table or chair in the supine position. Brushes can be arranged as you like - right, inward or outward. Now bend and unbend his hands.

The next exercise will have to take the emphasis lying on the floor. Hands shoulder width apart. Flexion and extension of the hand, and the need to breathe without delay.

Further increase foothold - substitute bench or other stable surface. Continue to bend and unbend his hands.

Now you can catch your breath a little. Offer to do the exercise, which is very like professional bodybuilders. Sit in a chair with your feet shoulder width apart. In the hands of a dumbbell, the right hand free to drop down, but so that the elbow of that hand rested on his leg. Now bend your arm at the elbow. Then do the same with the other hand.

The following exercise is effective not only for the muscles in the arms, but the back and posture in general. Starting position: lean forward, hands with dumbbells hang down freely. Not straightening, lift your hands up and to the side, feeling the tension in the back.

Go ahead - put your hands up with dumbbells. Simultaneously bend both arms at the elbows. This exercise trains the back muscles of the arms, which was already mentioned above.

For general muscle tone and posture of hands is useful to make "scissors" or Mahi hands in a standing position. Raise your hands with dumbbells in front of you. Now spread them apart and cross your in front of the chest.

The same exercise can be modified slightly. Place the front of the chest bent at the elbows with dumbbells. Now spread them apart, as if opening the lock.

Push-ups can not only from the floor. As the simulator can be used and the wall. Stand facing a wall at a distance of one step from her hands and rest against the wall at chest level. Keeping the body straight, bend and unbend his hands.

Another type of effective push-ups - it pushups in a position on all fours. Hands completely straighten.

Each exercise is repeated given here at least 10-15 times.

Not necessarily do all the exercises at once hand. Select several "friends" and just rotate them in different training days. If the recommended weight dumbbells seems insufficient, feel free to increase it, but do not get carried away, or else risk becoming a lady with inflated relief arm muscles.

Tags: arm, hand, exercise