Hair Removal - the removal of hair from the skin, but only the visible parts - this is the main difference from the waxing hair removal. More girls prefer the first, since this process less painful, although the effect is less long, and this process has to be repeated again and again.
Such a procedure in intimate places should be emphasized, because the skin there is more delicate and sensitive.
Depilatory advantage that it can readily be made at home, while not having any special skills. There is no single method of hair removal such a method. The most painless and easy hair removal is considered to be mechanical, which is carried out using a standard razor. In stores you can find a great number of them: there are machines with one, two or even three blades. You can pick up a razor ribbon, providing a smooth glide.
To begin with, you should clean the skin, and only then proceed to the process of hair removal. Must adhere to only one simple rule: remove hair better in the direction of their growth, it will help make the process even more painless and help avoid unwanted skin irritation. But in addition to the benefits there is a disadvantage: this procedure should be repeated after one - two days, which is not always possible.
At home, you can also resort to chemical depilation: its essence in removing hairs special creams. The cream contains strong chemicals that soften the hair as if destroy its structure. The process of chemical depilatory is incredibly simple, you just need to put the cream on the area of skin and wait for some time, and then simply remove the cream special spatula. Together with the cream removed fallen hairs. This method should not be used only if there are scratches on the skin, even the most insignificant.
Another way that you can use - the removal of hairs using an epilator. Using them is quite easy, but over time, this measure will take you only a few minutes.
A great advantage to use the epilator is that the skin remains smooth for a long time. Hairs that appear then become lighter and softer.
How to take advantage of the ways, it's up to you. The main thing - always be well-groomed and irresistible.