How to quickly freshen up after the holiday

How to quickly freshen up after the holiday
 Long-term holidays with rich feasts often affect not only the stomach, but also the appearance. After they usually appear a few extra pounds, puffiness and dark circles under the eyes. And if we add to this a compulsory attendance, where everyone will see such beauty, feminine mood can go bad really.
 Go to the sparing diet. A large number of food and alcoholic beverages has a negative impact on the work of the digestive system and can lead to swelling of the face and extremities. Try to go after a feast on the consumption of light dishes, prepared in the oven or steamed. This will allow to reset scored calories and keep yourself in good shape. Especially helpful to eat more onions, asparagus, tomatoes and beets. They are well cleaned the blood, liver, intestines and excreted residues of alcohol.

A great way to quickly get yourself a Russian bath. In the steam room for a real birch twigs from the body rapidly excreted excess fluid and toxins, which beneficially affects the well-being and appearance.

Those who do not like the bath, you can take a bath before going to bed with sea salt. It will help you relax and relieve stress arising before the work week. The most effective way - to dissolve the salt in very hot water and soak in it no more than 15-20 minutes.

After the bath is useful to put on a body scrub, and after him - moisturizing or nourishing products containing in its composition algae. Minerals that are part of this item, pull excess fluid from the tissues and improve metabolism.

Special care must be provided face. Swelling around the eyes can help relieve a compress of chamomile or tea leaves. Dull complexion removes vitamin C serum or hyaluronic acid. Also, do not be amiss to light massage and exfoliation gommazhny soft polymer particles.

But the most effective way to freshen up - good night's sleep before going to work. Lack of sleep is one of the major causes of ill health and, as a consequence, no matter appearance. Lack of sleep is able to affect dizziness, swelling of the face and color.

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