Benefits and harms of indoor tanning

Benefits and harms of indoor tanning
 Times when pale skin was considered a sign of aristocracy, long thing of the past. Nowadays, tanned, dark skin is considered to be very beautiful, and excessive pallor looks painful. Therefore, modern girls are struggling to make your body tan in summer, sunbathing, winter, visiting a solarium and using moisturizers with the effect of tanning. Of course, the most popular way to acquire a tan in the cold season is a solarium. Harmful or helpful to sunbathe under the lights?

Ultraviolet light is useful for the human body, but in reasonable quantities. Accustom the skin to UV radiation should be gradual, starting with 2-3 minutes, increasing each time stay under the lights for a few minutes, if the skin does not get burns and there is no allergic reactions.

Before visiting the solarium not wash your body with soap and apply cosmetics and deodorants and perfumes to the skin did not appear dark spots. Harmful to go to the solarium, fasting and immediately after a meal. After tanning should take a cool shower to wash off the body balances Sun and sweat, as well as to cool the skin.

Many people believe that tanning under lights is very harmful. This is only partly true. Sunbathing is harmful in large quantities, and can not be the first time in irradiated under the lights for more than ten minutes. There are medical contraindications for the solarium. For example, if you have a predisposition to tumors or on the body of a lot of moles, you have to give up tanning.

Healthy person can visit a solarium. Yet should choose proven place for sunbathing. Now a lot of sun decks with poor-quality lamps. Pick the beauty or sports studio with solarium, which has already proven to be a good side to not get extra health problems. Tanning in a solarium with new, high-quality lamps, you not only get a smooth, nice tan, but also protects the body from overheating and harmful UV rays, which are known to radiate the summer sun at the wrong time for sunbathing - from 11 to 16 ti pm.

Exposure to ultraviolet radiation on the skin helps fight acne, which are dried under UV light bulbs, it reduces the risk of recurrent lesions. Tanned skin looks smooth and healthy. This is also a reasonable use of indoor tanning.

Specialists in beauty salons tanning system will help you choose, it is suitable for your skin type, advise protective creams and bronzers for a safer and more effective tanning, as well as pick up, moisturizers skin after sunburn.

It is very useful to visit a few times a solarium before the holiday to boost the protective function of the skin, preparing it to ultraviolet light and does not burn on the southern beaches of the first day.

Thus, a solarium useful if you do it properly and under the supervision of a specialist.

Tags: vacation, solarium, tan, use, damage