The secrets of beauty of Russian women

The secrets of beauty of Russian women
 What is the Russian beauties are different from everyone else? It is in Russia, as is commonly believed, the most beautiful women. Case in special climatic conditions, specific products, which are not present, or blame mysterious Russian soul? Incidentally, our grandmothers knew very well how to keep youth and beauty, but now many of these recipes were forgotten and not used by modern women. If you want to uncover the secret of Russian beauties, read our article.

The main wealth of our territories - is, of course, all kinds of herbs. Previously, women are actively using them for cosmetic and medicinal purposes. Head washed broth nettle, chamomile and hops long before the appearance of the first shampoo and hair Russian beauties were such that any envy. Now you can also use all the wealth of nature. Summer gather fresh herbs and make teas and infusions. Can be rubbed into the scalp fresh juices of plants such as nettle, plantain, hop, clover and chamomile. Believe me, it's a hundred times better than any of the expensive air conditioning: the hair will be soft, fluffy and shiny, but the dandruff and hair loss you forget forever.

Russia is famous for? Of course bathhouse. Among other things, the use of Russian baths for health has long been proven throughout the world. No wonder that today many foreigners come to Russia to compare Russian sauna and steam bath. And there's really compare. In the present Russian bath open all the pores of the skin, the blood begins to circulate better through the cells, nourishing them and more oxygen. Increases the overall tone of the body, and there is an active cell rejuvenation. Many beauty treatments anciently held it in the bath or after it. Even if the country sauna available to you, be sure to go to the sauna, taking with him a body scrub and birch broom. By the way, in a birch broom concentrated basic useful properties and health, so do not deprive yourself of the pleasure to use it during a healing process.

One of the signs of health, youth and beauty is a blush and a good complexion. Do you know why Russian women have always been wonderful blush? All the matter in the proper hardening of the body. Winter in the dead of winter, the women ran to the cold from a warm-heated huts, and often from a red-hot stove, fetch water or firewood, and then returning to a warm room. A purely Russian way to bathe in the winter, running out into the cold and swimming in the snow? It hardened vessels give the skin of the face and entire body healthy appearance and color, so the example of our grandmothers, tempers daily. The frost naked, of course, does not necessarily run out, you can simply wipe the face twice a day with ice cubes from the freezer. And if you train yourself to take a contrast shower and do cold sponging, you maintain a healthy heart and always forget about varicose veins.

Do not get carried away with decorative cosmetics, it makes the woman is older and often completely obscures its natural beauty. Beauty Russian women are always hidden in its inner charm and purity. This does not mean you have to stop to be painted at all, but always try to keep the natural. By the way, men like it much more than bright makeup. The main thing - is to feel its appeal and be confident in it. After all, our grandmothers, working in the field or at home, often wondered about their beauty, they just knew about it, and so were always beautiful. Be internally beautiful, young and attractive. After all, this is a Russian woman in the blood!

Tags: Russian, hair, beauty, woman, secret Russian, attraction, beauty