How to stay in shape after childbirth

How to stay in shape after childbirth
 Pregnancy, childbirth and subsequent breast-feeding effect on women's appearance, and not always positive. Appears looseness body extra pounds, varicose veins may droop chest, etc. But life goes on. And a few months after the baby is already a woman wants to restore the usual for her antenatal body shape.
 To care about how you will look after the delivery should start long before them, namely, from the first days of pregnancy. Vitamins and calcium keep your teeth and hair in good condition. A balanced diet and ability to restrain strange taste in food pregnant (for example, do not eat every day a kilogram of ice cream, even if you really want to) help you not gain extra pounds during childbearing. This is also facilitated moderate exercise and water aerobics for pregnant women.

In addition, during pregnancy should be closely monitored for the skin of the abdomen and thighs, as at any time may appear stretch marks (striae). To avoid this, every day applied to the skin of problem zones special cream or oil. In addition, should always wear a comfortable bra, because breasts will gradually increase and will gradually threat sagging breasts. These simple tips will help you immediately after the birth to be a woman with an attractive figure.

But even with all the recommendations, childbirth, breast-feeding and the first months of sleepless can still affect your appearance. Therefore, to be beautiful and attractive mom, you must continue to adhere to certain rules.

Continue taking multivitamins and calcium supplements, because lactation you need to replenish nutrients.

Make yourself a balanced diet. In the first few months you will have to eat a little monotonous (porridge, soups, dairy products). But in this case, the main thing - to adhere to the principle of moderation. For sufficient milk production does not necessarily eat a lot of food. Average three-four meals without snacking on mode and night raids on the refrigerator will keep your slim figure. Note that in feeding women should not sit on a rigid diet.

Try to get enough sleep. This should be done necessarily. If you can not sleep at night full, arrange a nap with the baby;

Walk as much as possible with the child in the street. This is useful for both of you. Daily promenades for 3-4 hours with a stroller - an excellent fitness in the first months after birth, when the female body is still not fully grown for the gym and active exercise;

Every day, do a half-hour charge on stretching and strengthening the muscles of the back, abdomen (starting with the 3rd month after birth) and legs.

2-4 months after birth, if you feel the strength, and the doctors do not prohibit, join a fitness club, start swimming pool, etc. Soon you will notice that your body has become again elastic and fit as to pregnancy and childbirth.

Tags: shape, gender, pregnancy, Ambassador, fitness, exercise