How to make perfect legs

How to make perfect legs
 Perfect female legs look well groomed and healthy. Toenails should be treated carefully, heels - no smooth corns, cracks and calluses.

To legs were beautiful and healthy for them need daily care. Prior to the adoption of water treatments, massage can be done with a dry brush. It should start from the feet, gradually moving the brush up to the buttocks.

 Leather legs will be elastic and smooth, if during the shower makes it easy coffee and salt peeling. Take a bit of ground coffee and the same sea salt, mix. Massage your legs in a circular motion.

Legs are subject to overload, they can withstand weight of the body throughout the day. Therefore, an important prerequisite for healthy feet is comfortable shoes. It is necessary to select the size, it should be easy, free, and well ventilated. For everyday wear, choose shoes with a small heel.

To heel were smooth, it is necessary to do foot baths with sea salt, herbal infusions. Baths improve circulation legs and the whole body. After the bath, the foot should be lubricated cream, light massage movements, from the toes to the ankles.

To prevent the formation of cracks on the heels need to be applied to the skin of the feet scrub, handle it with a pumice stone.
If the cracks are formed, it will help special packs and masks to stop. At night, grease heel fat cream on top, wrap film and put socks. In the morning, wash off the cream with water.

Helps to cope with cracks honey wrap. Steaming the feet should be lubricated with honey and wrap film. Hold compress as long as possible, and it is better to do it at night.

C cracks on the feet can be dealt with by softening bath. Boil the potato peel, for half an hour in a warm foot soak broth. Rinse feet with warm water and grease castor oil, put on cotton socks.

For the prevention of varicose veins, every day to do a simple exercise. Lie down on your back and raise the legs above the body, are in such a state for 15-20 minutes.

Tags: leather, leg, profit