How to define cellulite

How to define cellulite
 The presence of cellulite is not always dependent on the weight and age - "orange peel" can appear in young girls skinny build. The appearance of cellulite promotes unhealthy diet, lack of exercise, metabolic disorders, etc.
 Dimples on the skin appear in certain places - this thighs, buttocks, knees, inner surface of the hand from the shoulder to the elbow. To determine whether you have cellulite, you can own - skin on problem areas is always different from a healthy surface. Pinch a fold of skin between the fingers and to evaluate its condition - if the skin remains smooth, elastic and not changed its appearance, then you do not have cellulite. The appearance of tubercles can be regarded as a manifestation of stagnation in the skin, that is cellulite.

Cellulite has different stages, and define each of them will help attentive visual inspection. At the initial stage, you may notice a slight swelling of tissues - press your finger on the skin in the folds. If at the same time you will notice a small change, but will not experience any unpleasant or painful sensations, we can assume that it's an easy stage of cellulite. Fighting stagnant at this stage can be very effective and give quick results.

The second stage is characterized by a noticeable change - the skin appear hollow, dimples and bumps, so-called "orange peel". At this stage of cellulite is noticeable, even if you do not compress the skin much - in a sitting position, for example, when you cast your legs crossed.

The third stage of cellulite manifests itself visible swelling, skin becomes unhealthy complexion, dimples becomes larger, you can see the subcutaneous nodules. If the skin is thick, you can not capture a small portion of the fingers, and mild squeezing causes pain, it means that cellulite is progressing and getting rid of it will be very difficult.

To measures to get rid of cellulite have been more effective, you can go through a special procedure that will determine the exact localization of sites, their size and degree of damage. Contact thermography is based on the temperature difference between the fixing of different skin areas (where there is cellulite, body temperature below). To change the color of the imaging film superimposed on the body, we can determine the location of the problem areas and the stage of cellulite. These data are used for determining the specific processes and their intensity.

Tags: cellulite, fight, sign