How to create a figure of your dreams?

How to create a figure of your dreams?
 An ideal figure is given by nature, they do not need to calculate calories and spend many hours in gyms to support it. For others - all of life becomes a struggle with being overweight. And to create the shape of your dreams, a lot of work on themselves.
 The food you eat is a kind of fuel, provides the body with the necessary energy. If you do not use this energy directly, it will be reserved and stored as fat. The only way to get rid of that extra weight - consume more calories than you consume.

Law and reduction of energy conversion is simple and austere. Absorption of high-calorie foods with a sedentary lifestyle leads to weight gain. Conversely, the use of low-calorie, low-fat, high-fiber foods at a constant increase in physical activity makes the figure flexible, toned, slender.

Before you change your lifestyle in order to achieve your ideal weight, you need to create a certain mood. The most effective will be staged in front of a real-world problems. We must sit down and make a list of goals that seem to be quite acceptable. For example, again put on your favorite jeans, attractive look and feel good.

Be sure to remember that miracle diets do not exist. To make the shape of your dreams without damage to health, we need time and patience. Therefore it is necessary to be realistic and to set tasks to be solved, then the chances to achieve success increase.

In the early stages it useful to keep a food diary and write in it all that is eaten per day. This will enable to follow the developments for some time. In the blog should also write down your feelings when you change the diet.

To achieve its goals it is necessary to use all means: change in diet, regular exercise. In the grocery store have to go with the pre-listing and spare no time to cook wholesome meals.

It is necessary to find analogues favorite, but harmful products and train yourself to a healthier diet. For example, to replace the menu vegetable fat meat, poultry or fish. Mayonnaise - homemade salad dressing on the basis of low-fat yogurt, desserts and biscuits - fresh fruits, natural juices or low-fat desserts.

There should be regularly without missing the main meals, not forgetting snacking in between. Do not eat at night and sitting in front of the TV food should be served in small plates to seem larger portion.

In the fight for the dream figure you must pay special attention to physical exercise and fitness. In the process of fitness and exercise the body produces endorphins - neurotransmitters good mood that can suppress the stress and fill the body with energy.

To improve the effect of exercise should buy special clothes of highly technical fabrics (belt, shorts, pants). It contributes to heating up the subcutaneous fat and enhances the effect of physical activity.

A good way to improve the figures are sauna, Russian bath and massage. They are relaxing on the body, increase metabolism and improve the skin's appearance.

Do not forget about the various baths: sea, soda, herbal, with aromatic oils. Recommended to take them two days in a row for polchala to sleep, then it is necessary to make a two-day break.

One of the most effective procedures for the acquisition of the ideal figure - seaweed, clay, honey, mud wrap. Sometimes it is enough just three or four sessions to produce tangible effect. Wrap can do at home. In combination with massage and bath with sea salt body forming process is significantly faster your dreams.

Very productive sessions Bodyflex that combines breathing technique with a special set of exercises. Find a course Bodyflex possible on the Internet.

Do not forget that on the way to purchase their dream figure slight setbacks. If this happens, do not panic and get upset. It is necessary to analyze the probable cause of the lack of results, to take into account their mistakes and move on. As is known, the road by walking.

Tags: figure