Everything will be smooth: so different hair removal

Everything will be smooth: so different hair removal
 The delicate skin on the well-groomed female feet leads men into raptures. How to get rid of unwanted hair forever, where to do it at home or in the salon? Thought about this question at least once, many of the fair sex.
 There are two options to get rid of unwanted body hair: temporarily and permanently. These include depilation and epilation. These methods are most effective in the fight against excess vegetation.

Shaving You can use the tools and disposable shavers with built-in cartridges. Such a method of hair removal is easy to use and has a low cost. If no skin irritation occurs, you can use this method once every five days.

For a longer time, you can get rid of the vegetation with the help electrodepilator. Priborchik leave skin smooth for about a month. The downside to using it is painful. Although some devices are equipped with nozzles to reduce discomfort, accessories for cooling, etc.

Useful for skin hair removal method is wax method. It is composed of vegetable oil, vitamins, herbal extracts, and many other useful components for the skin. But waxing process laborious first strips or plates, the blocks must be heated to the desired temperature, and then applied to the surface area of ​​hair and pull off sharply.

Depilatory creams get rid of excess hair for a week. Underlying these means thioglycolic acid and its salts. These substances are cleaved keratin molecules, so the hair turn into softened tissue paper, and then easily removed with a spatula. These products contain moisturizing ingredients and emollients.

Pets photoepilators can slow hair growth and make them almost invisible. Use the machine once a month, each zone can be processed once, and the force of impact vary. The result will appear in two months, and then it should be maintained, provided that once a year to enjoy the salon photoepilation can achieve smooth skin forever.

Completely defeat the growth of unwanted hair can only be in showrooms by laser hair removal, bioepilyatsii, enzimnoy- and photo epilation and electrolysis. Always ask for a license in such centers as the same electrolysis breaks the skin, and after a long time there is a crust on the skin.

Before you do hair removal, it is necessary to evaluate the structure of the hair, skin type. In the bikini area is better to do electrolysis, the same method is recommended for hair removal in the area of ​​the armpits. Less often do electrolysis on legs, as it is a long process sometimes takes up to 6 hours. Besides, very painful. Therefore, for these parts of the body is better to use laser hair removal and photo-epilation. Hard dark hairs are gradually being replaced or invisible vellus. The advantage would be the removal of ingrown hairs and pigmentation.

Tags: skin, hair, hair removal method hair removal, removal, smoothness