Essential oils come from the East and was widely adopted in the West, is none other than the "squeeze" of certain plants. These oils, in contrast to the plant, no fat, but there are many curative components for the human organism. During the massage or wrap essential oil penetrates the skin through the pores (it subsequently appears naturally in the urine) and regenerates the body. It was found that the oils of various plants operate in different ways: some of them relieve stress, some - Conclusions toxins, excess water, and normalize metabolic processes. These properties are launching the process of losing weight, so a certain group of essential oils (a few dozen names) used in cosmetics and traditional medicine as an aid, and sometimes the primary means for getting rid of excess weight.
Lose Weight with ethereal oils can be different. The easiest way - to smell. Herbalists and even psychologists argue that regular smelling oils of cinnamon, vanilla, green apple helps to suppress appetite. The procedure should be done daily before burning aroma lamp with a few drops of the selected oil, inhaling each nostril alternately several times. Better organize themselves aromatherapy during psychological hunger: if you have recently eaten, but the soul asks sweet.
To adjust the lipid and carbohydrate metabolism in the body are used oils of sweet orange, grapefruit, cypress, anise, ylang-ylang, chamomile, rosemary, sesame, thyme, mandarin, jasmine. A few drops of any of these oils are added to the massage cream or gel. Active aromatic rubbing the body, especially the problem areas, and help fight cellulite. To enhance the effect, in the morning you can take a bath with aromatic oils - no longer than 15 minutes.
Excellent restores the microcirculation of the skin, pulling it and eliminating the dryness, and the essential oil of juniper. Small doses of juniper oil (no more than one - two drops on a piece of refined sugar) can be taken inside: this oil removes from the body accumulated fluid, which also contributes to weight loss.