Holiday hairstyles: beam

Holiday hairstyles: beam
 Every woman wants to look attractive and unique, especially on holiday. The secret is not only in makeup and stylish clothes, but also in the choice of hairstyles. Services festive hairdressers are high cost, but the easiest hairstyle called "beam" can make a very elegant evening styling, enough to make a little imagination and desire. The beam itself is not difficult, and decoration and styling options, you can come up with different every time.

Normal hair beam is considered a privilege strict teachers or women aged. In fact, if a beam of neatly arranged at the back to release one or two strands of hair, so hair becomes a special charm. Locks can casually omit along the temples, or tighten figured using wax or modeling gel, mounted on top of the basic foundations of hairpin hairstyle.

By itself, the beam can be different too. It can be low and high, tight or loose. You can make two or three beams, studs adorning them with crystals or flowers. The tufts may be arranged asymmetrically to each other, thereby creating an exclusive hairstyle. Of course, the usual beam can be used for packing daily. But if you show imagination and apply accessories, you can make an elegant festive hairstyle.

To get started is applied to wet hair fixing hair gel. Then they are dried. We must try them well enough to straighten and pull. Then gather your hair into a ponytail at the back, slightly loosening the tension of the front toes. From the tail fit the desired shape beam - free or tight as you like.

Fix so that the hair is not extorted, but held tightly. To fix the invisible and can be used studs, matching colored hair. Then put on the head of two beautiful rim at a distance of 5-6 cm from each other. Hairstyle fixed with hairspray.

Another option festive hairstyle - instead of one of the tail at the beginning of work on the hair to make two tails. Each individual twist beam. At the temples to release a few strands, and hair ready. Options for modeling hairstyles based on the base of the beam much, you just need to show imagination.

Tags: hair, hairstyle, holiday