Female fitness
In this blame excessive washing, the use of hot air, sun, temperature fluctuations, as well as health. If the hair has become dull and brittle, it means that you need to properly take care of your health.
Wash dry hair
Dry hair should be washed very carefully, using a very mild shampoo for damaged hair that restores hair and supplies them with nutrients. This shampoo usually contains various additives (jojoba, avocado, egg lecithin, or lanolin, silk proteins) that make the hair supple, moisten them, protect hair from the harmful effects of the environment and make them shiny. As we have said, one of the main problems of dry hair is that they are sensitive to changes in temperature, thus losing much moisture.
Restore the lack of moisture and protect hair from environmental hazards special creams, conditioners and moisturizing sprays. As a result of their use as hair becomes elastic and better to style. For dry hair especially harmful strong ultraviolet radiation, so in the summer, use special protective equipment that neutralize the effects of sunlight.
Good effect on the hair and dry hair treatment ampoule containing nutrients, reducing the horny layer of hair. At the same time the nutrients penetrate the stratum corneum and restore the hair from the inside. After washing distribute liquid from a vial on the hair and scalp, and rinse. Curative effects will continue until the next hair wash.
Split ends
Dry hair is often whipped at the ends, so regularly cut the tips of the hair or use a special liquid for medical ends. Dry hair is very important to dry gently, so whenever possible, do not use a hairdryer. If, however, you dry the hair dryer, start drying gently with warm air, keep cool.
Among the recipes of traditional medicine can find a lot of useful tips for dry, split ends.
Warm compresses before washing the head of split ends:
In the scalp rub burdock or any vegetable, slightly warmed butter. Wrap head with plastic, and then a warm towel. An hour later, rinse the hair with shampoo and rinse slightly acidulated with lemon juice with water. Vegetable oil is very useful for dry hair, it supplies the roots they need vitamins E and P
Stir 1 egg yolk with sunflower (olive) oil, honey, henna powder, brandy, all components are taken to 1 teaspoon.
Whisk 1 egg yolk. Add 1 tablespoon of onion juice, 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil and 1 teaspoon of honey. You can also make a compress of kefir and plantain leaves. They are taken in equal proportions.
Dry scalp
To rid the hair from excessive dryness, you can use the following procedures, which recommends a course. They are rubbed in different infusions containing nutrients into the scalp.
Packs for dry scalp: Before washing the hair can make a compress of any cream for dry skin. Well, if this cream contains lanolin and vitamins A, D and E. The cream with light massage movements rubbed into the skin. Such a holding compress for 20-30 minutes. The hair is then washed with shampoo.
4 tablespoons chopped burdock root boiled for 15 minutes at 0, 5 liters of water, filter. Rubbed into the roots of the hair 2-3 times a week for 2 months.
4 tablespoons of birch leaves pour 300 ml of boiling water and insist 2 hours, then filtered. Infusion rubbed into the scalp after every hair wash for 1 month.
4 tablespoons chopped ivy leaves are boiled for 10 minutes at 0, 5 liters of water. Insist 40 minutes and filtered. Rubbed into the scalp daily for 1 month.
Dry hair
Very useful for dry hair hydrating mask.
Hydrating mask for dry hair:
5 tablespoons of unrefined vegetable oil mixed with lemon juice and rub into dry hair. Leave on for half an hour and wash with a mild shampoo. This mask should be done regularly, every two weeks.
Dry hair apply more glitter additives oils of lavender, geranium. Masks with these oils are first distributed only on the skin, and then rubbed on the individual strands of hair to the tips (with the hair must be dry). Mask leave on for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
Another embodiment of the mask, which must be accompanied by combing the hair. Mix 20 g of castor oil, 20 g of refined vegetable oil and 10 g of a shampoo. This mixture with a cotton swab, apply to the hair. Within two minutes, comb the hair in all directions. Then carefully rinse the head.
In order to give dry hair shine, rinsing may be used. After washing, rinse the hair infusion of chamomile. To do this, 2-4 tablespoons of dried flowers pour 1 cup boiling water, boil on low heat for 5-10 minutes and let it brew. Do blondes and light brown-haired women from this infusion hair get a golden color. You can cook different composition. Aspirin is soluble in water and after washing hair rinse solution.
To eliminate dandruff with dry hair, use the following recipe.
Traditional recipes from dandruff:
4 tablespoons of the root calamus pour 0, 5 liters of water, boil for 15 minutes, then 30-40 minutes insist and filter. Use the infusion to rinse after washing.
In equal parts, mix the juice of onion or garlic with oil and lemon juice. This mass is necessary massaged to put on a slightly damp hair. Leave on for 20-30 minutes. Then rinse with warm water, adding a citric acid or vinegar.