In natural dyes there is only one serious drawback - they color the hair for a short period. Therefore, we have to repeat staining quite often.
Head must be washed before painting. Dyes applied to wet hair special brush or sponge.
For uniform coloring of hair should consider the following factors:
-natural hair color;
-A gray hair;
Hair-structure (the thinner the hair, the less need to dye and vice versa).
Apply the paint must be from the roots, after being applied to the head must be put on a plastic cap and top to warm towel.
The most popular hair dye and henna are Basma. This is the toughest natural dyes, they are suitable for dyeing brown and dark brown hair. Bleached hair using henna and Basma acquire too bright shade, until bright red and carrot.
Basma pure give your hair a green tint, so its half-bred with henna to color in rich brown color. To get black hair dye henna first, and then basmoj.
For light-brown color in the solution of henna added hard-brewed tea.
To color the hair used decoctions and infusions of herbs, onion peel, walnut shells.
If you rinse your hair after shampooing each chamomile extract or onion skin, the hair will get a golden color. Camomile tea is prepared as follows: 100 g of dried chamomile brewed 0, 5 liters of boiling water and filtered through 30-40 minutes. A peel bulbs is boiled 2-3 0, 2 liters of water for 20-25 minutes, then filtered broth.
In chestnut hair can be colored with the green walnut shells. To this pulverized fresh green shell is mixed with water to a consistency of gruel. It is applied to the hair for 15-20 minutes, then rinsed with warm water.
Blonde hair will become straw-yellow color using rhubarb broth: 150 g boiled rhubarb 0, 5 liters of dry white wine for 30-40 minutes. Ostyvshim abundantly moistened with broth hair, wash off after an hour.