First we need to determine the length. It can be left the way it was before, just a little trim. But often, women are always eager to change and all kinds of experiments. Especially because there are plenty to choose. Bangs can be long, thick, short, have a beveled or geometric shape, as well as direct to the level of the eyebrows. The most versatile of all these species is a long sloping fringe. Besides, if you do not like it you can always remove, fixing hairpin, invisible, or simply gel or varnish.
When choosing a bang, make sure that it fits under your face. Then set to work and prepare all the necessary tools: a comb and scissors. Scissors should certainly be professional.
Before you proceed directly to the alignment, separate from the main part of the bangs of hair and place as want to wear every day.
Never Align the fringe, if the hair is wet. This can lead to that it will be much shorter than that length to which you define yourself. Nor can delay the hair with scissors or hands. Even if you have curly hair, before they align better to do styling with a hair dryer, and then straighten.
If you decide to make a classic flat bangs, scissors should be kept horizontally. If it is assumed that the hair should have a "ragged" appearance, hold the scissors vertically.
Remember that experience comes with practice. And learn how to trim your bangs, as, in general, and all the hair, pretty easy. If you still confidence in their own skills is not, then contact an experienced salon. Just be sure to pay close attention to his work. You can also consult with them how best to align the bangs at home. Then it will save you from having to find time to constant trips to the hairdresser.