How to tie a beautiful hair

How to tie a beautiful hair
 If you cancel your hairstyle and try to grow hair, you know different ways of styling. One of the most popular is the tail - it is attractive for its simplicity and versatility. You can do it "strict" version or decorate with rubber bands, ribbons, bows.
 Hair must be clean, then your tail will look beautiful. Dampen a clean hair styling tool that does not stick them well comb. You can straighten your hair special ironing, if you want them to just running down the back, or twist the tips of the forceps. Gather hair at the crown and secure their thin rubber band, then wrap her lock of hair - so you can tie your hair in the event that the use of other decorative items out of place (for example, going to a business meeting). Secure hair lacquer and smooth the hair on the head, noting their smoothness and lack of errors in the hair.

For the occasion, you can use the satin ribbon. Wrap it several times around the gum, tie a beautiful bow and secure thin pins. The tape can be wrapped around the head and neck to lead - make it a ponytail and braid from a small pigtail, weaving in the remnants of the tape.

Look beautiful hair tied with a handkerchief. Select the appropriate color scarf (depending on the color of hair, eyes, the main range of clothes), comb your hair and tie a scarf as a scarf. This way of tying the hair looks stylish and requires no special skills. Hair under the node can be contracted in a ponytail or leave lying freely. The same scarf can be used instead of gum - wrap it several times around the place where you pulled the hair in a ponytail and tie a bow or a simple knot, pulling the ends. Fold the scarf several times and tie up him like rim - if correctly pick colors, then you will be able to emphasize the brilliance and richness of color hair.

Long hair can be beautiful tie without decorative elements. Comb band, divide them into two parts at the back, at the base of the neck, and tie a normal node. On top of it make another node that is perpendicular to the previous one. Fix the entire structure a pair of pins and sprinkle nail styling. Protruding ends can be a bit of fluff or, conversely, smooth, glue the ends of the hair gel or wax stacker.

Tags: hair, hairstyle