In order to get rid of hair permanently, it should go to a special room, which offers photo-epilation, electrolysis or laser removal.
For example, the essence of the latter procedure is that the laser beam acts on the hair follicle, destroying it. For these purposes the alexandrite laser that does not harm even the most sensitive skin. This method of hair removal is the most effective because it can be used to remove ingrown hairs even. Contraindications: pregnancy, cancer and lactation, as well as chronic and acute diseases of the skin and varicose veins in those areas where it was planned to do hair removal.
The same principle is carried out epilation. This method is a bit cheaper laser removal. It uses krypton lamp emitting light ranging from ultraviolet to infrared. Because of the hazards of ultraviolet radiation on them are set special filters to protect the skin from burns. Furthermore, they also concentrated into a narrow beam of light beam for spot exposure directly on the hair follicle. Contraindications are the same as that of a laser hair removal.
Electrolysis is a little different from the previous two methods, because it requires anesthesia, because the hair follicles enter a special electrode, which destroys the hair electrical impulses. The method is excellent for different hair colors and all skin types. But even here there are contraindications - severe cardiovascular disease, epilepsy, pregnancy and infectious inflammation of the skin.
All three methods allow you to get rid of hair permanently. However, to achieve the final result of such procedures should be carried out several times - from 4 to 6. And between treatments must pass a couple of weeks, as they cause slight redness.