Another legend told by Ovid in his "Metamorphoses", states that the pieces of golden stone - tears of mothers and sisters of Phaeton, podzhegshego land and slain by Zeus. Klimena and her daughter so grieved for the Phaeton, which turned into trees, with branches dripping tears, turns to amber and fell into the river. The river also took away the golden tears, and then generously gave them to the people who came to its shores.
Amber - amazing stone. Being amorphous high-molecular compounds of organic acids, it is, strictly speaking, does not refer to the stones. This material, as well as coral, is the result of vital activity of living organisms. Amber - fossilized tree sap resources Pinus succinieferra.
What color is amber? Most people think that it is similar to the hardened honey. However, the shades have a huge amount of stone: cream, gold, orange, green, brown, red and even white. Thus as amber may be opaque and transparent. In some instances the mineral inclusions across from air bubbles or even insects, prehistoric lands in tree resin, and so it does not get out of it. Such stones are most valuable for jewelers.
Amber - one of the oldest stones that people began to use for decoration. Clothes, utensils from prehistoric times dismissed the ornate golden sun stones. And in ancient Rome amber steel cut luxuries. Pliny mentions that artfully carved amber figurine was valued higher than the young and strong slave.
Amber and used for medicinal purposes. Vintage book store in itself about fifty drug prescription, which include amber. For all the variety of means of official medicine, some of them still in use today. So in Poland tincture on amber is considered to be an indispensable tool for respiratory diseases, colds.
No less interesting is the use of amber in magical practices. This stone is the perfect protective amulet from the demons, evil eye, damage. In addition, it is believed that amber helps clean the invisible bodies of man.
Mankind since ancient times amber loves. And until now, this stone loves it, decorating and keeping people from all evil.