Size rings jewelry in America

Size rings jewelry in America
 Jewelry in different countries have their own system sizes. To buy a ring, you can contact the seller and for a specific standard, presented in every jewelry store, learn the correct number or use the table and make calculations independently.  
 To begin, define the inner diameter or circumference of your finger. If the size of the Russian Federation jewelry rings at the inside diameter is measured and expressed in millimeters in the United States uses the same system of calculation, but the determination of the amount produced in inches. One inch equals 2, 54 cm.

To determine your ring size, measure the circumference of your finger using a strong thread. Cut the thread, measure on the regular school ruler. You will receive a circle finger.

Knowing the circle, you can pick up jewelry rings in the United States. Simply use the table, which operates throughout the United States. The first digit - a circle, the second - the diameter of the third - the size of the ring in the United States:

41 5 - 13 2 - 2;
42, 7 - 13, 6 - 2, 5;
44 - 14 - 3;
45 2 - 14 5 - 3, 5;
46 5 - 14 9 - 4;
47 8 - 15 3 - 4, 5;
49 - 15 7 - 5;
50 3 - 16 5 1, 5;
51 5 - 16 5 - 6;
54 - 17 4 - 7;
55 3 - 17 8 - 7 5;
56 6 - 18 2 - 8;
57 8 - 18 5 - 8, 5;
59 1 18 9 - 9;
60 3 - 19 4 - 9, 5;
61 6 - 19 8 - 10;
62 8 - 20 2 - 10 5;
64 1 - 20 7 - 11;
65 3 - 21 1 - 11 5;
66 6 - 21 5 - 12;
67 9 - 21 9 - 12 5;
69 1 - 22 3 - 13;
71 3 - 22 7 - 13 5;
72 6 - 23 1 - 14;
73 8 - 23 5 - 14 5.

Determining the size of a piece of jewelry, to follow certain rules. Do not measure finger in extreme heat or cold. The optimum temperature is considered from 20 to 22 degrees.

In the morning the fingers can Patriotic if you are prone to accumulation of fluid after night. Therefore determines the size of a finger after 15 hours.

If you plan to buy a wide ring, its size should be a quarter more. When choosing a narrow ring jewelry buy strictly on a certain size, but still it does not forget that it is better to buy jewelry at half size larger than the much smaller.

Also, do not forget that the size of the fingers of the left and right hand may be slightly different. To purchase was successful, and measure each finger on both hands.

Tags: size, ring, usa, america, table