1. Weave with an even number of beads.
To get started, type an odd number (eg 7) beads, and then tuck the needle through the third bead, counting from the end backwards. Typing on another thread further, skip the needle through one bead. This should be done as long as your originally dialed number is completed.
Once the needle is passed through the last bead series, again, type one and deploying the needle go through the bead, which was recruited last in the opposite direction. In the subsequent weaving can continue following the initial pattern, as long as the product will not be the length that you require.
2. Weave with an odd number of beads.
This method is used to obtain products with a center of symmetry. It differs from the previous one is the difference in the art of weaving in the centerfold.
Dial an even number (e.g. 6) and the beads continue weaving the same as described above, as long as you reach the end of the row. You can make a U-turn, using one of the techniques listed below.
In the first case, dial the last bead, tie both strands by double knot. After reverse pass needle through the last bead, you typed. Further, by typing a new bead, braid as usual.
In the second case you need to dial the last bead of the third row, pass the needle back through the very first. After the dial further one bead and go through one.
Weave continue as before. Do you get that spread from one end of business as usual, and the other used a different method, because there is lack of one column. To implement such a turn, it is necessary to dial the last bead and the needle skip backwards through the bead, which is located just under the bottom dialed. You need to make a U-turn on beads previous series so that the needle went back.
You can also use the following method reversal: after typed the last bead, needle Pick up the external thread of the previous row. After passing in the opposite direction through the thread, who scored just that.
3. Double and triple appliances
The advantage of this technique is that you can also enable and glass beads, and beads, larger in magnitude. In addition, it allows you to create very interesting effects texture. Moreover, such a product is faster than by a single mosaic.
Weaving through this technique differs only in that it is typed more than one bead, and two or three. The numbering series for weaving is indicated as follows. Dialed beads at the beginning - the first and second rows. One that puts them into place - the third. For simplicity, the ranks are considered on a diagonal.