How to wear a ring

How to wear a ring
 Ring - the most popular decoration. Wedding, Engagement, cocktail, very expensive and very affordable - they are available in almost every woman, and the number of rings, donated or purchased independently, is constantly growing. How to wear it all the richness and look appropriate in all circumstances?
 More recently, the rules of wearing rings lockstep. Fashion magazines unanimously approved - rings should be worn only in the nameless or middle fingers, and no more than two at a time. Can not be combined with silver and gold, especially with jewelry. Diamonds - only for mature ladies, and only in the evening. Today, most of these postulates are hopelessly out of date. Modern etiquette is much more loyal. You can wear all guided by purely personal taste and common sense.

For example, in an office with a strict dress code is not recommended to wear too big fancy rings, glittering stones (both natural and artificial), as well as bright plastic jewelry. Maximum permissible - discreet smooth ring with pearls or enamel plus engagement ring. If you have a ring given to her engagement, you can wear it in the Western manner, on the same finger with a wedding.

In the evening, you can decorate your hand close cocktail ring. It does not have to be expensive, most importantly - an unusual design and spectacular view. This ring is worn in the singular, not the middle, ring and index finger. Note that it is only relevant on a perfectly manicured hands with fresh manicured - because cocktail ring will concentrate on them the attention of others.

If your jewelry box with ornaments gathered a collection of small ring-like design, try to put them together - two or three thin hoop on one finger, plus another, larger - on the other. Soak the composition in a range of colors, choosing, for example, rings polished silver or bronze patina. Optionally, you can add a few thin bangles. This set will be beautifully combined with the clothes in the ethnic style or, on the contrary, with a very simple classic things.

The combination of gold and silver jewelry, and today is not considered bad manners. However, these rings do not have to look like a random set. Play on contrasts, combining in one set rings of different colors, such as red and pink gold, adding to their polished silver. Or try on a pair of thin rings of white gold with a large ring of burnished silver. Picking up the ensemble focuses not only on the opinions of strangers, but also on your own taste - because your hands you will see all the time. A well-chosen rings improve mood and self-confidence - it needs only to look at them.

Tags: ring selection