Model dynasty: the first shot Ani Ambrosio

 One of the "Angels» Victoria's Secret, Alessandra Ambrosio, yesterday demonstrated the most expensive bra in 2012 as part of the show. For success in your own career, she does not forget about the children - in the shooting for London Fog model involved with her daughter.

For Ani Ambrosio it was the first experience of model shoot, and he was successful. Alessandra was pleased that took her daughter, the girl is well behaved, it was fun, it remeasure all children's jackets autumn-winter collection of London Fog. According to her mother, Anya already have their own style, she likes to choose outfits and turns in the morning before the mirror.

She was not the only child of "Angel» Victoria's Secret: the girl has a younger brother, who appeared in the family model and her husband Jamie Mazur businessman in May this year.
Model dynasty: the first shot Ani Ambrosio
Model dynasty: the first shot Ani Ambrosio
Model dynasty: the first shot Ani Ambrosio
Model dynasty: the first shot Ani Ambrosio
Model dynasty: the first shot Ani Ambrosio
Model dynasty: the first shot Ani Ambrosio