Christmas Chanel powder unusual color

 Cosmetic division of the fashion house Chanel as part of the collection Essentiels de Chanel presented an unusual Christmas novelty - a compact powder Ombre Contraste Notorious. Its main feature - not typical for powder color - brown-gray Taupo subtle lavender tint.

In the autumn and winter fashion show in Paris Chanel models gracefully walked between the giant crystals mounted on the podium. Director Peter Phillips Chanel makyazhu this time decided to emphasize the natural beauty and used a minimum of makeup, but perfectly highlighted the play of light and shadow on his face. It is in the process of translating this idea and created a new powder.

Blush Ombre Contraste Notorious intended primarily for eyelids and cheekbones - it can help to identify those parts of the face, making them more graphical and relief.
Christmas Chanel powder unusual color
Christmas Chanel powder unusual color