How to remove the fat fold at the back

How to remove the fat fold at the back
 Folds of fat on the back does not adorn the figure of a woman, and worried and concerned about their owners. Fat deposition look quite ugly, as bulge from under the bra. And so you want to wear tight-fitting dress and show itself in all its glory at a gala celebration. So how do you bring the figure in order to get rid of the hated and folds on the back?
 Before you begin to struggle with the current problem in the form of fat folds on the back, you should understand the reason for their appearance. If this situation is the result of overeating, should review your diet and go on a diet. Eat a low-calorie foods and count calories at the same time. If your body consumes significantly more calories than you have time to process, then remove wrinkles becoming a serious problem for women.

Recycle those extra calories through exercise, they help get rid of unwanted wrinkles, strengthen the back muscles and give them a tone, make your back more slender. For this exercise should be performed frequently, but with a minimum load, so as not to "transform" in muscle fat (female this is not necessary).

Stand up straight, stand with your feet shoulder width apart. Get a gymnastic stick shoulders and keep hands, bent at the elbows. In this case, try not to strain your muscles, arms and shoulders should be relaxed as much as possible. Follow walking with a stick behind him for fifteen minutes. Then rotate the torso, leaving the lower torso motionless.

Spread on the floor mat and stand on all fours, make supports for knees and forearms. Pull both right hand forward and left foot back, hold your position and hold the position for a few seconds. Return to the starting position and do the same thing, but only by changing the leg and arm. Do this exercise ten times for each hand and foot.

Quite effective exercises for individual muscle groups back is leaned forward in straight legs with sipping. This will help restore the shape of the back due to the work of spinal muscles. But we should not be satisfied with one kind of exercise, in which case they will not help to deal with your problem.

Exercise with dumbbells will help get rid of the roller on the back, because forced to work actively muscles. Lie back on a low bench and grab a dumbbell. Legs slightly apart and Abut on both sides of the bench, hands with dumbbells apart. Inhale and raise your arms straight up, connect above the head. On the exhale, lower your arms to the starting position. Do exercise twenty times.

Spread the mat on the floor and lie on your stomach, stretch your arms and legs. Raise your arms and legs twenty centimeters above the floor, pause for ten seconds and return to starting position. Repeat the exercise ten times. The result from the complex exercises will be visible after three to six weeks.

Stand up straight, shoulders relax, relax your hands. Right hand lift up and bend at the elbow, get behind your head. Lower down the left hand and bend at the elbow, get behind him. Try to join hands together behind her back to the castle. In no case does not make any sudden movements, do the exercise several times throughout the day.

Tags: fat, exercise, fold, fat