How to remove fat on waist

How to remove fat on waist
 Beautiful slim and toned body - the dream of many, but to get rid of body fat can be difficult at times. In particular, when it comes, for example, on the lumbar region, which is considered one of the most problematic areas.
 One of the main reasons for which are deposited fat - is an unbalanced diet. The basic rule, which is to adhere to those who want to burn fat on waist - is the right approach to the balance of calories - you have to spend them less than to receive. It is important to reduce the amount consumed in the diet of bread and pasta, as they can be called one of the main enemies slender back and waist. It is also worth to limit themselves and used in large quantities of food that contains high amounts of fat and protein.

However, avoid exercising fail in this case. As even if lose weight through a rigid diet, it is not always possible to get rid of fat on the waist, but become the owner of saggy skin and a number of health problems - it is quite possible. It is important to realize that even if the deposits in the lumbar region are small, it is not necessary to focus only on the exercises for this area. Otherwise, such "selective" exercise will only lead to an increase in muscle in this area, and body fat will remain the same.

The most effective results can be achieved if the work out evenly all muscle groups, because it promotes the active consumption of calories without increased stress on the problem areas. From this point of view, the most effective for getting rid of fat in the back are considered intense jogging, swimming, and dancing. To maximize the impact of the fight against fat in the waist should not forget about exercises for abdominal muscles, on the rotation of the body and the different variants of the legs.

Also worth performing various exercises using Expander. For example, you can get up, legs spread shoulder-width apart, fix the gripper feet and carry forward bends. In this case, the hands should be rectified, but the leg when it is difficult to bend, can be slightly bent at the knees. Perform this exercise is in the several approaches to 15 times. You can also stretch the expander in outstretched hands above his head (to stretch as you exhale, inhale on the return). Several sets of 15 times will also be enough.

Tags: fat, weight, exercise, weight loss, waist