To reduce the mass of the quadriceps, that is, the front thigh muscles, buttocks and weight you can use to choose one of three exercises: squats with light weight, work with the machine leg press with light weight or leg extension on the simulator. The most popular is the use of the machine leg press because of its simplicity. All you need - it was good to gain a foothold on the simulator, removing the entire operating weight, and squeeze the empty platform to failure muscles.
The following exercises, you should also perform with minimum weight is exercise on bending the legs at the appropriate simulator. Do it at maximum speed.
To reduce the weight of the calf muscles use rises on tiptoes with the stamp of the post, as well as alternate ups on one leg with a slight worsening. The key rule remains the same - do the exercise with the maximum possible speed for you. As a final exercise, you can use the jumping rope. Set a rate of seventy to eighty jumps in one go and make three or four approaches.
Complete the exercise bike workout. Install every minute alternating light and medium loads and spend at least half an hour on the simulator. This will maximize the effect of training.
If you miss a workout, you can spend it at home. You will need to perform seven or eight approaches the maximum number of sit-ups in each approach, as well as jumping rope - six or seven sets of eighty repetitions each.