How to get rid of the "ears" on the sides

How to get rid of the "ears" on the sides
 The question of how the sides are removed, is solved in conjunction with the use of proper diet, exercise, specially selected massage and cleanse the body as a whole. Only with the help of such a complex can be in the shortest time to remove the "ears" on the sides.
 Undoubtedly, in order to remove fat from the sides needed exercise. Hulahup popular gymnastic hoop - a great tool for this. It is important that it was quite heavy, and deal with it on a daily basis. Session should be held at least 40 minutes. Accordingly, it needs while watching your favorite TV series or TV shows do not sit on the couch and get up in front of the TV, take a hoop and work the thighs and abdomen.

But to achieve results quickly deal only hulahupom not enough. There are many fairly effective exercises specifically for obliques, with which you can remove the "ears". These exercises can be performed every day and without the use of gym equipment. However, the best option - to turn to the instructor at the fitness center. He tells the most effective set of exercises to remove fat deposits on the flanks. From the gym, you get much more than by training at home.

First of all, "ears" on the sides - it's fat, and whatever exercise or conducted, one exercise to remove them fail. From daily sports muscles become strong sides, but at the same time a lot of fat is not burned, so no specific diet is not enough. Each person is different, because every body is different. Recipes are many, but they will give their results only if the permanence. Fat layers on the sides rather dense, and to remove them from there, it takes a lot of effort and time. Have patience.

Practice has shown that the best result gives the compliance of the Kremlin diet supplemented with vegetables, herbs and various cereals. Take cereal porridge need to separate from the meat, keeping the gap in time. Kashi used in the morning, otherwise the fat will be burned slowly. Good results are obtained and kefir diet.

Another good way for those who want to remove the "ears" on the sides - is the use of massage. Massage - a great tool for warming up of fatty deposits, a good way to activate them in the blood flow and metabolism. Boca need massaging strong and active movements of at least 10 minutes - 5 minutes each. Immediately before the massage oil to lubricate the skin for a massage or a simple Vaseline, which excludes stretching and injury of the skin. We must start with stroking, then lightly mash, but before entering deeply and actively promyat fat accumulation on the sides.

Only with a strong desire, perseverance and persistence you can achieve excellent results!

Tags: fat, figure, ears, ear, side, correction, deposition