How to get rid of cellulite and riding breeches in the lower part of the body

 "Breeches" and cellulite on thighs and buttocks is usually associated with gynoid (feminine) type of obesity, forming the shape of the "pear". Among the reasons for weighting the bottom of the body and the appearance of cellulite is traditionally called hereditary superiority over estrogen progesterone, a sedentary lifestyle, and, of course, excessive or abnormal in structure to the power.

It would seem that sit on a diet - and say goodbye to cellulite Does not work. Upon reaching the normal or even falls short of the standards of weight cellulite does not disappear. It's not fair. It's a shame. French nutritionists have tried to solve this problem by means of correction power.

The purpose is to act directly on the causes and manifestations "gallife" and cellulite introducing intake needed for this set of nutrients. And not nutrients, such as fiber, naturally, too.

The creators of this anti-cellulite system there is a positive change on the hips of patients after only two months.

Essentially, it is a balanced diet with the obligatory (!) Inclusion of a specific set of products. The number of these products and the frequency of their use of prescribed very strictly: so much, and no more and no less. Then allegedly between the components of these products there synergistic effect - ie mutual reinforcement.

These products contain enough:
- iodineNecessary for the good functioning of the thyroid gland, for lack of production of hormones it is one of the main causes of the causes of cellulite;
- zinc and selenium, As well asvitamins A, C andEAwarded to be included in the list for their protivoaksidantnoe action;
- Vitamin F (Essential fatty acids!), Protecting cell membranes and give elasticity;
- Vitamin P (Anthocyanins of red fruit!), To maintain the integrity and elasticity of blood vessels.

Analysis shows the proposed diet that besides these components, it contains an excess of:

-potassiumContributing to the conclusion from the body of excess fluid, shifting the acid-base balance in the alkaline side and improves metabolism;
- different types of fiberTo help the active work of the intestine and reduce the glycemic index of carbohydrates eaten.

What kind of products are required?
- Fatty fish - 2 times a week (salmon, trout, sardines, herring, mackerel, etc.);
- Lean sea fish - 2 times a week (cod, hake, haddock, etc.)
- Seafood - 1 time in two weeks (shrimp, crab, squid, etc.);
- Wheat germ - 1 tbsp. spoons a day;
- Liver, liver pate - 1 every two weeks;
- Eggs - 4 pieces per week;
- Grape juice - 1 small glass a day;
- Sweet peppers (red, green, mainly in their raw form) - 300 g per week;
- Cabbage (white, red, broccoli, Brussels) and sweet potatoes - 1-3 times a week (150-200 g);
- All kinds of green vegetables and carrots - 2-7 times per week 150-200 g;
- Green beans, green beans, turnips - 2 x 150-200 g per week;
- Avocado - 1/2 pieces every two weeks (with low-fat dressing or fresh lemon juice);
- Red and dark red fruits and berries (cherries, black and red currants, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, red gooseberries, black and red grapes, red and black currants, etc.) - 1 serving per day. If not in season, you can use frozen fruit;
- Muesli sugar - 1-2 x 30 g per week;
- Bread made from unrefined flour, bread and bran - 30 grams per day;
- Prunes - 3 pieces per day, or fresh pineapple - 1 per day (150 g);
- Hazelnuts or almonds - 1 serving (20 g), 2 times a week;
- Kiwi, or grapefruit, or mango, or orange, or guava - 1 piece per day;
- Grape seed oil - 1 tbsp. spoon a day when you no longer use any oil or 1 coffee spoon per day if used and other oils;
- Olive oil unrefined, cold pomace - 1 coffee spoon per day;
- Butter or vegetable margarine - 1-2 coffee spoons a day;
- Green stuff, onion, turmeric, saffron - without restrictions;

And SoListed products must necessarily be present in the menu, in addition to usually eat foods that are balanced menu we have an unconditional right to:
- Meat, as well as fish and eggs should be eaten only during the day and in the afternoon. All of these products should be as lean.
- Starchy foods (with a minimum of fat) should be consumed only in the morning.
- Dairy products (not fat) you can eat 3 times a day, but hard cheeses Allowed extremely rare.

Strongly prohibited:
- Sugar (you can use sugar substitutes);
- Alcohol in any form;
- Fatty meat, sausage, ham, smoked.

Strictly controlled fat intake because the diet does not have to cover the total energy expenditure.

Thus, the caloric content is regulated as well as the structure of the power.

Comment Elena Stoyanova. Proposed by the French - and they are experts in the fight against cellulite - the system is logical and reasonable. Confused only stiffness in the set of required products.

Substitute one for the other, emphasize cabbage instead, such as strawberries, you can not. Grapeseed oil found on sale in Russia is possible, but not everywhere.

Anyway, this anti-cellulite system is a very low-fat diet developed in good faith for weight loss.

In the Russian-speaking Internet cellulite recommend:
 - Mushrooms (as a source of pantothenic acid, which regulates intracellular metabolism)
- Bananas (as a source of silicon, which is a construction connective tissue cells)
- Citrus fruits (as a source of vitamin C for collagen production by the body to make skin elasticity)
- Pear (as a source of zinc for the formation of collagen)
- Pineapples (as a source of enzymes, improves metabolism)
- Oat flakes (as a source of copper to increase the elasticity of the skin)
- Prunes or apricots (before going to bed, as a means of stimulating the bowel)
- Mineral water,
- Green tea (two cups per day, after the second welding, and not boiling, but hot water only)
- Sauerkraut juice (before breakfast or between meals on a glass).

And it is not recommended:

- Fatty meats,
- Chocolate,
- Alcohol,
- Coffee,
- Excess salt.

Warns, for example, that these products prevent the removal of toxins from the body - especially the strong alcohol - coffee prevents circulation and stabzheniyu cells with oxygen and salt promotes water retention in the tissues. And note that the best anti-cellulite diet is a diet of no more than 1,500 calories.

What is the reason? Typically, cellulite affects the hips, abdomen, arms, buttocks and upper legs.

The main reasons for its occurrence
- Hormonal disorders (stimulus may be pregnancy, menopause, the beginning and the end of the reception of contraceptives)
- Unbalanced diet,
- Flabby and weak muscles,
- Stresses that actively influence the endocrine glands,
- Slow blood flow (when there is a stagnation in the cells), - age (the skin after 20 years loses its elasticity)
- Heredity.

If you have not saved your precious body and going to the mirror and saw there bumps and holes, then be patient, because the cure cellulite will take a day or two, this is a long process to go inside.

To start Naladte your diet. Foods high in fat should be excluded, eat lots of vegetables, fruits, grains and legumes. They reduced sodium-potassium balance, purify the intercellular spaces of stagnation. Need more potassium - it is contained in bananas, oranges, watermelon, baked potatoes.

This trace mineral cleans lymph. In addition, on the day you need to drink eight glasses of water, better mineral.

Massages. Regular exercise will improve blood circulation and lymph circulation in the body, and special exercises (shaping, aerobics) strengthen the weak muscles of the thighs, buttocks and press.

And if you start to hold the skin stimulation massage brush, it improves blood and lymph circulation. Very good "rolling massage" (there is a special device, equipped with needles) - it increases the flexibility of your muscles and increases the flexibility of connective tissue.

Excellent results gives a massage with anti-cellulite cream, followed by wrapping - it directs toxins into the thoracic duct, through which they are eliminated from the body. But this procedure is contraindicated for varicose veins, thrombosis and high blood pressure.

Do not forget that liposuction or liposuction - it is only the removal of consequences of the disease rather than its cause!

Tags: online, shop, grapes, breeches, trainer, diet, education, hip, sweetener