The main factors of weight gain

The main factors of weight gain
 Being overweight is a consequence of chronic metabolic disorders. The development of adipose tissue, and has complications circle has a high probability of relapse after curative therapy. The market has not offered us anything really effective, preventing weight gain. Often the problem is complicated, because you can not understand the true cause of the extra pounds. Proper diagnosis factor of weight gain - is the way to recovery.  

According to medical statistics within 80% of cases the cause of excess weight is unbalanced diet, a diet which matched perfectly illiterate. The rich man upsets the balance between carbohydrates, proteins and fats because they do not want to eat beets and cereals. And the poor can not afford nothing but sugar and fat.

The development of civilization has given us a vivid sense of taste, but brutally and blatantly deprived people of the opportunity to move on their own feet. Comfortable living in modern society contribute only low physical activity. In the developed world no longer exists occupations requiring heavy physical labor. Physical labor liquidated technological progress.

Hyperphagia. The term is relatively new. Denotes banal overeating. Recent studies have shown Americans that overeating can not be the only factor in weight gain, but it remains the most important of the known causes. Hyperphagia contribute to the conditions of our lives. Users that transmit in large quantities to consume food with a high fat content. Nutritionists all schools are united in the opinion that only a diet low in fat can not only reduce weight, but to stabilize it.

Overeating preceded micronutrient deficiencies. Your body requires more than six nutrients daily. The majority of these nutrients are absolutely indispensable, they are not synthesized in the body and are present in food in microscopic doses. It is determined that the micronutrients regulate appetite and metabolism.

Hormonal background is episodic in nature, but is difficult to correct. For example, pregnancy. During this period, there is a need for a nourishing diet, which after birth gradually becomes a destructive habit. In turn, the habit can persist throughout life.

Tags: weight control factor, obesity