Tames hunger

Tames hunger
 In today's world meet not only on clothes. Is becoming increasingly important slim, fit and sporty. Such people, regardless of gender, self-confidence and successfully move up the career ladder.
 And many can not get rid of the habit of eating a lot, even if you are not hungry. This for them lies the source of the problems with being overweight. In principle, curb your hunger is not so difficult if you remember a few simple rules and tips.

Use for eating small diameter dish. On these plates the amount of food will look more visually.

Before the meal, drink a glass of plain, mineral can be, but not soda. It will fill the stomach, and you are guaranteed to eat less.

When food is not in a hurry. And take a short pause when changing dishes. First, second, eaten, you pull for dessert? Wait, listen to your body. Saturation does not occur immediately. And maybe after a few minutes you will realize that there is no hunger, and for dessert you have and not want to watch.

Banal Council, which, oddly enough, really works. Eat small, fractional portions, but up to five times per day. Overeating in this approach to nutrition is not threatened. Blood sugar level is constant and hunger - a very moderate.

Try to work out a diet. Meals should be scheduled to occur at the same time. In this case, the body gets used to the constant flow of calories and not trying to delay "in reserve".

Meals should be balanced - another "unique" advice. Try to keep all the year round on your desk attended and vegetables, and fruits, and legumes, and grains. In addition to all sorts of vitamins and trace elements in these foods high in fiber. By the way, fruits and vegetables - this is a great "bite" in cases where hunger becomes unbearable, and before dinner is still far.

Green or red tea with a drop of milk, low-fat yogurt - a great way to dampen the feeling of hunger. Calories in these drinks a little, but they help to relax and fall asleep.

Avoid desserts where sugar and fats go together. For example, cakes or pastries with custard. But remember how good apples, baked with a little sugar and butter!

Tags: appetite, food, feeling hunger