How to get better in the New Year

How to get better in the New Year
 In anticipation of the New Year, many think through in advance festive menu, do not you want to please the home and fine cuisine. And given the old tradition to meet the coming year a rich feast, housewives are struggling. Stop! Remember how many extra pounds you have added to its weight in the last year's January holidays. Do not repeat the mistakes of the past and try to cook this time to New Year's table something new and more useful.
 Leave the last traditional salad "Olivier" and "herring under a fur coat." Now is the time of new dishes - snacks, fruits and vegetables, simple composition and salads. Use refills is not a traditional high-calorie mayonnaise and low-fat sour cream or yogurt, olive oil or any other vegetable oil, balsamic vinegar, a little soy sauce. The amount of ingredients in the salad should be small; your choice on such components as cooked meat, fish, fresh vegetables.

If your home can not do without "Olivier", instead of sausage better place chicken, instead of canned green peas - fresh frozen. Very useful salad sauerkraut with cranberries. Refrain from pickles and marinades - let the vegetables on the table will be fresh.

Walk around your attention plates with cold cuts - let them enjoy the rest. If you really really want, allow yourself a little piece of grilled meat, vegan.

If you decide to control your weight, will have to spend the holiday without the traditional roast duck or goose. Fried or fatty provide hot regale guests. It would be better if the main hot dish would be turkey or chicken, oven baked or grilled. In your plate, place a piece of white meat (breast) - it is a dietary. Garnish choose vegetables (excluding potatoes) - a baked, stewed, steamed or raw.

Give up the lemonade and cola; your drink - green tea. A piece of Christmas cake or cookies, leave for breakfast.

And yet - not morite yourself all day hunger not to pounce on the food in the evening, forgetting everything. During the day, be sure to snack. Portions let there be light and small - then you better be able to limit yourself to eating during the holiday feast.

Tags: food, year, weight, pounds