How to beat the appetite

How to beat the appetite
 Appetite - this is not a physiological hunger, this is not the response of the body to the lack of an energy source. It's just a desire to chew, eat something delicious, pleasurable, especially if it is "something" so tempting smells that lacks any power to resist.
 There are several ways to suppress the thought, "Maybe another piece? "And form a correct eating habits that will help preserve the health longer. Not all methods are universal to suit everyone, so you should choose a few favorite.

Eat foods with a low glycemic index (GI). GI is a measure of how fast a particular product increases the level of glucose in the blood. The highest rate - 100, the average is 56 + GI, all below 55 is a low index. Apples, bananas, green vegetables, legumes are examples of foods with a low GI. Hearty main dishes should replace salads and fruit.

Eat slowly. It may sound strange, but it is proved that slow food suppresses appetite, as it gives the brain time to analyze the stomach is full or not.

Choose foods with a low calorie, but the volume. Fans of soups and smoothies eat less just because they look more servings.

It is necessary to reduce the variety of smells in the dish. It is known that odor-causing appetite. It is because of them eaten so much at the holiday tables and still room for dessert. Therefore it is better to cook one dish, rather than several.

No need to starve. Hunger - is the biggest enemy of healthy eating habits. It causes a feeling of lack of energy reserves, and a person eats more after the hunger strike.

Glass of water before each meal. Since water does not have calories, it is best filled stomach, giving the brain a signal that the stomach is full. Thus, appetite is lost. This method is best suited for people who have already overweight and controlling appetite.

Out of sight. This applies psychological appetite when it is difficult to resist the temptation. No need to make the entire table, or hand involuntarily reach for another piece. Better hide all the goodies away or not to buy them.

Good mood. There is a link between serotonin and decreased appetite. When a person is unhappy, the hand itself stretches for a tasty morsel to eat and feel the rush of happiness for a while.

Tags: appetite