Breakfast helps to lose weight

Breakfast helps to lose weight
 There is a stereotype that you can lose weight, only to limit itself to the food to the max. However, scientists have proven that regular breakfast not only add extra weight, but rather help to throw it. They have also shown that people who skip the morning meal, has all chances to get better over the year by 4.6 kilograms. So if you care about your body - start regularly and eat breakfast.

Most of those who skip the morning meal, eat plenty evening after work. This is logical - the body requires its share of nutrients. Teach treat yourself to a morning meal as a "gas station". After driving your car, you refill the petrol. That's your body needs "fuel" to ensure its full operation. At night, he must rest. And the evening meal poorly digested, it slows down the metabolism and leads to excess weight. It's no wonder they say: "Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a beggar."

Many breakfast is associated with omelette and porridges. Indeed, eggs and cereals have the useful properties that are necessary for you in the morning. Oatmeal, buckwheat, semolina - cook them in water, milk, add jam to taste, and your day will begin with benefits. Eggs are rich in protein, amino acids, proteins, which also contributes to the correct "filling" of the body.

But what if you do not like oatmeal and omelets or, for example, want meat in the morning? Pleasant and useful alternative can be cottage cheese, white meat chicken with vegetables, a sandwich with butter and cheese, fish (tuna or salmon). Those who have no time or too lazy to cook, can find salvation in the freshly squeezed juice and nuts. Throw off excess weight will also drunk a glass of milk in the morning. But forget about the cereal, granola and muffins. They only prevent you from losing weight.

Proper breakfast will help your body get into gear with full force, and provide you less hungry at bedtime. So you do not reach the excess weight, but on the contrary, will be able to lose weight. Treat breakfast seriously. All nutritionists agree that breakfast - the most important meal. Think about breakfast and you do not have to kill in the gym for 2 hours.

Tags: breakfast