Vitamin D in the product

Vitamin D in the product
 Vitamin D is important for the person. It helps fight rickets, participating in the process of revitalization of calcium and mineralization (strengthening) of bone affects our body's ability to resist disease. Moreover, it does not provide vitamin D to develop cancer cells whereby it is successfully used for the prevention and treatment of breast cancer, prostate, ovarian, brain and leukemia.

The daily requirement of vitamin d is approximately 1 g (for adults). And it is important for children is much more: a day they need as many as 10 micrograms. This is because vitamin D plays a major role in the formation of healthy bones and the skeleton as a whole.

How can you get this useful vitamin? It is virtually not present in plant foods. Mostvitamin d in such products: Fish oil, cod liver oil, herring, and in several species of fish.

Vitamin D in the product

Additional sources of vitamin d may be dairy products and in particular egg yolk. Unfortunately, in practice, the milk is always contains the vitamin content or there are not very significant. So you should not rely solely on milk to cover the needs in this matter. For example, 100 grams of milk may contain not more than 0, 05 mg of vitamin D, or does not contain it, given the current conditions of manufacture and sale of milk.

Some vegetables also contain vitamin d, however, note that
vegetables grown in greenhouses, contain its much smaller quantities, as through a glass greenhouse frames poorly penetrate the sun's rays.

A good way to get enough vitamin d - including fish, cereals and legumes in your weekly diet. But the best way, of course, is a pastime in the sun. A simple walk in the sunlight will help you to saturate the body with essential vitamins such.

Women with fair skin need to spend about 20 minutes a day for a walk, it's best for morning or evening sun. Owners of dark skin, the time must be increased at exactly 2 times. And of course, the cold season does not count, as the skin needs to be on the air and to be open to be able to absorb ultraviolet rays, which help us to synthesize vitamin d.

And finally, on a slight generalizationfoods containing vitamin d.

• The richest natural source of vitamin d is a fish oil.
• Many types of fish are also rich in these vitamins, especially salmon, herring, mackerel, cod.
• Consumption of 1 egg per day will give you the rate of vitamin D in the body.
• Boiled beef and some types of fungi also incorporate vitamin d.

 Anastasia duduk
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: product vitamin norm