Quick breakfast
It is known that the gastronomic traditions differing worldwide. But when it comes to breakfast, no matter what kind of kitchen in question, most people prefer so-called "quick breakfast." Most of them are not very useful, such breakfasts include a sandwich, which is most commonly used dry rations, especially not useful it if made of bread, butter and fat smoked sausage or a piece of meat. In this case, much better to make a cheese sandwich. It's less greasy product that is well absorbed even on an empty stomach. Also common option is scrambled eggs and coffee. Scrambled eggs - fried is a product that will not be well received by the stomach and liver, especially as the first breakfast and coffee in general quite harmful. It is contraindicated for people with impairments in the gastrointestinal tract, although sometimes it helps to cope with the pressure.
It is best to give up such bad habits. With all responsibility, women's magazine JustLady states that "quick breakfast" can be not only easy to prepare, but also useful. Here are somehealthy breakfast recipes:
1. Tomato, baked with cheese. It can be prepared in an oven or in a microwave oven. Tomato cut into two parts, placed on top of thin slices of cheese, in this form it is baked in the oven, and then sprinkle with fresh herbs. Delicious, beautiful, useful and fast. The dish is served with slices of bread or toast and black tea.
2. Excellent and useful option is to bake the apples in the oven or microwave. Small incision on top of the funnel, which is filled with a spoon of sugar. The same "cap" apple covered and thus baked. The result is a sweet, delicious apple. In particular, this breakfast will be useful for people with peptic ulcer or gastritis. Dieting, you will not only improve overall health, but also to get rid of chronic diseases, throw a couple of extra pounds.
3. From allit is useful to have for breakfast, One can not distinguish fruit. Quick and easy to make fruit salad. It will be absolutely no calories, saturated with all sorts of useful vitamins. In this case, it is not necessary to add a salad sugar, it is better to replace a spoonful of honey.
Oatmeal - Queen breakfast
Looking through the materials on the topic "It is useful to have for breakfast? "You can find a large number of sources that talk about the benefits of oatmeal. Indeed, oatmeal can be considered the queen of the breakfast. It is in itself contains a lot of useful elements to the same has shielding property. Getting this food, the stomach begins to work normally and continue throughout the day even more ready to accept a heavy meal.
Most Popularhealthy breakfast recipes include components such as oatmeal and fresh fruit or dried fruit. Now in the shop selling the so-called cereals. Manufacturers actively advertise such mixtures, as well as other formulations of breakfast cereal that you can fill with water or milk and supposedly get a useful product. But this is not the case, so that the mixture was stored for a long time on the shelves, they added preservatives, is not very different nutrients. Sometimes, in addition to dried mixture look attractive, they were stained using dyes. Oats pre-steamed, dried and using special technologies are stored in the form in which it is served in the mixtures. This product is capable of long time does not spoil, but use it quite a bit.
It is best to cook your own muesli. You can use dried fruit, which are sold at the store, or homemade. If such stocks in the house is not available, fit and fresh fruit. Combine them as you like, in the oatmeal and fresh fruit are even better and give it a fresh, pleasant taste and saturated with suchhealthy breakfast lots of vitamins.
Thus, it is possible to identify somehealthy breakfast recipes on the basis of oatmeal:
1. On the evening to pour a few spoonfuls of oatmeal a little lukewarm water. The next morning the water is drained, and porridge added grated apple and raisins. The resulting mixture can be poured yogurt or yogurt with lemon juice and honey.
2. Basis of oatmeal is the same, but the composition of ingredients varies. In the oatmeal can add chopped nuts, dried apricots and raisins.
3. In the same mixture of oatmeal add peeled sunflower seeds, grated apple and prune. Refill muesli and yogurt or yogurt with a few teaspoons of honey.
Hearty breakfasts
Many recipes healthy breakfast is not very high in calories. This is a great option for women who watch their figure. Moreover, the portions they need much less than men. But synonymous with a healthy breakfast is not "hungry breakfast." Much better to combine several of the above prescriptions or double portion, but that after breakfast was a feeling of fullness and satisfaction of food. Of course, you should not overeat, but also to punish himself to death, especially if the organism itself to ask for more, not worth it. So for men and children are more suitablehealthy breakfast recipesWhich thus also prove satisfying.
Fruit salads are not very conducive to stave off hunger, but oatmeal is able to saturate a long time. But it is best served some toast and sandwiches with vegetables and cheese. You can also treat yourself to some unusual recipe, which at the same time will be useful and quite hearty. For example, you can cook a bun with scrambled eggs. In this case, the eggs are prepared without oil, they added basil leaves and tomato slices. All this magnificence is laid out and served on a halved fresh bread rolls.
A little bit of calories does not hurt if you're going to serve up a delicious dairy-fruit cocktail. This requires pre-whipped in a blender or fresh frozen (if available), fruit is added thereto, sliced banana, as well as a low-calorie milk and yogurt. And berry-banana milk miracle done.
Many believe thathealthy breakfast can not be tasty. But such a statement is true only for those who really do not know how to cook, never gets old to bring in your diet variety and trying new recipes wonderful. Already after a week or two power with the delicious and healthy breakfast, you will feel very differently, and you certainly do not want to give up such vkusnotischi and again to the heavy monotonous food, causing discomfort and apathy.
Nick Bugaev / Women's Magazine JustLady
Photo: veer.com