In the category Health: Folk Remedies from smoking
Anyherbs to cleanse the body useful, but keep in mind that the greatest biological activity, and therefore the best effect will bring those herbs that grow in the same climate zone in which the person lives. Below we give you a list of herbs and their medicinal properties that help in cleaning the body.
"Drug Dandelion"
The healing properties of dandelion knew more since ancient times. The bitterness of dandelion roots drug capable of inducing appetite, helps to stimulate digestion, has choleretic effect, helps to eliminate metabolism, weak constipation. With the help of experiments doctors discovered that the dandelion has a positive effect on the pancreas. Decoction of the roots of dandelion helps the body to secrete insulin, reduces inflammation in pancreatitis.
Dandelion is very effective in removing toxins from the body. In this he is not inferior to the nettles. Dandelion - a spring grass. Its healing action is best manifested when to use it in raw form. All parts of this plant are very useful. Dandelion helps the body to stimulate and rebuild the body's metabolism, if it is broken. Dandelion tea is used in the treatment of sciatica, rheumatism, arthritis.
Grass to cleanse the body. "Nettle"
Since ancient times, it is known that nettle very good blood purifier. Its action is that it helps to eliminate toxins from the body, relieves the body of toxins, it helps the kidneys to increase the excretion of water. Eating every day tea from fresh or dried nettle, you completely clean your entire digestive tract, help your body to activate all of his defenses.
If a person has an allergy, it is recommended to take tea from nettle. It will help to readjust the body and eventually may even contribute to get rid of allergies. He also helps cleanse the skin. He was appointed as concomitant therapy for rheumatism and gout. If a person has a predisposition to stone formation, it is also necessary to drink tea from nettle. Tea you can drink every day for six months if there is no swelling, but no more than four cups a day.
Grass to cleanse the body. "Horsetail"
Horsetail contains the largest amount of minerals than other herbs. It is very much silicon, which is so necessary to the human body for the good condition of the hair, nails, cartilage. Horsetail is able to normalize the water-salt metabolism in the body. Helps to remove such toxic substances from the body, such as lead and cholesterol. Brew horsetail, broth let it brew and take it an hour after eating three times a day. Remember, if you have impaired kidney function, the infusion of horsetail should be taken only after you consult with your doctor about this.
"Flax seeds"
Flax seeds help excrete chemicals, toxins, radionuclides. Purification of using flax seed should last no less than three weeks. Take 12 teaspoons of flax seeds and pour 1 liter of boiled water. Simmer over low heat for no more than 10 minutes. Let sit and cool broth. Take it should be in the form of heat from 12 pm to 12 pm 6 times 150 milliliters.
Grass to cleanse the body. "The cleaning fee"
With the collection of herbs, which includes Motherwort, everlasting, dandelion root, peppermint, chamomile, flax seeds, senna leaf, buckthorn bark, tansy, wormwood, you can clear the gastrointestinal tract. Mix all these herbs and pour a tablespoon of boiled water. Let sit 30 minutes, then drink. Take three times per day.
Grass to cleanse the body. "Tibetan collection»
This fee includes St. John's wort flowers, chamomile, Helichrysum, birch buds, leaves and roots of strawberry. These herbs help cleanse the lymph and blood, which in turn will clear the blood vessels, intestines, kidneys and liver of your body. Allows you to display slag and salt. It is often recommended to drink at diseases of the joints. Tibetan collection is very good effect on the gastrointestinal tract. Acts as a common means of revitalizing. This collection of herbs also contributes to weight loss. Its use will help to improve the body's metabolism, cleanse it from cholesterol and fat, prevent the development of atherosclerosis, cardiovascular system, hypertension. Contributes to the improvement of the pancreas and gall bladder
Decoction of the Tibetan herbs can be taken at any age, to support your body. It is indispensable for patients with oncology, people who have undergone chemotherapy, radiation, those who make a lot of chemicals. To prepare the broth, take 100 grams of each herb and well Peremel. Infusion for a day prepared as follows: 2 tablespoons herb pour half a liter of boiling water. Let sit for 40 minutes. Strain and take 1 glass 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. Decoction should be drunk over the past two and a half months, once a year.
Cooked elderberry syrup helps the body to cleanse the lymph, improve bowel function, stimulate the immune system. It is indispensable for the treatment of cancer. Its only drawback is that it is contraindicated in people who have diabetes.
Grass to cleanse the body. "Potentilla marsh"
Decoction of this herb will help clean the joints of salt, clean the lymph and blood, strengthen the immune system. It is recommended to use with cancer to people in the form of an aqueous decoction. Helps with diseases of the lymph and blood.
"The root of the sunflower"
Sunflower root has the strongest action which helps to remove salts from the body. Infusion of this herb will help dissolve the salt in the body. It is used when the body is the accumulation of salts in the spine and joints, as well it is indispensable for kidney stones and gallstones.
Grass to cleanse the body. "Mistletoe, Sophora japonica"
Decoction of these herbs are great help to clean the vessels. These herbs are always used together. Japanese Sophora helps remove organic deposits, and white mistletoe removes inorganic deposits. They help treat atherosclerosis, hypertension, and other diseases.
"Flowers of horse chestnut"
Infusion of flowers Buckeye recommend drinking after chemotherapy or radiation. He treats the blood helps restore the protein structure, the human biofield, almost completely cure fibrocystic mastopathy (dissolve completely seal). It is indispensable for heart disease and women, with a brain tumor.
"Tincture of black walnut"
Tincture of black walnut has a unique, strongest antiparasitic action. It is able to rid the body of more than 100 species of parasites. If a decoction of walnut black alternate with a decoction of cloves and wormwood, you can win even cancer.
Natalia Garkavenko
Women's magazine JustLady