In category Beauty: How to get rid of the irritation after shaving
Birch anciently worshiped among the Slavic peoples. Belostvolnaya beauty associated with a slender girl who dedicate poems in difficult moments sought solace in her, calling her "mother." People used birch buds and leaves for the treatment of diseases of the branches made brooms for medicinal baths. Birch is still mined tar, and even xylitol (sugar substitute for diabetics) are also made from this tree.
But the most rewarding and enjoyable medicine that gives us this beautiful tree has always been considered birch sap.
Birch sap: Properties
Birch sap - a clear liquid, which is derived from tree sap flow in the period (March-April). If you've accidentally fracture tree branch when it has not yet emerged leaves, the on-site demolition you can see a clear drop. This is the birch sap.
The compositionbirch sap includes a variety of important microelements, including calcium, iron, glucose, potassium, volatile, tannins and organic acids. Due to the content of, birch sap can be used to treat a variety of diseases and even skin care and hair care.
Birch sap: the use of
Transparent sweet drink is recommended to drink for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. He has a beneficial effect in diseases of the liver, inflammation of the duodenum ulcer and low acidity, diseases of the gallbladder.
In diseases of the genitourinary systembirch sap is also useful. Regular intake can get rid of kidney stones and bladder stones, indicated for sexually transmitted diseases.
Diseases of the joints and spine, such as sciatica, rheumatism, arthritis, as well as destruction of the respiratory tract (bronchitis, tuberculosis) also successfullytreated birch sap. In the spring, when our body is weakened by the long winter, wonderful drink to help cope with deficiency diseases, depression spring return body strength and vitality, strengthen the immune system.
Since ancient times, the juice was also used as an anthelmintic and diuretic, it is useful to drink those who suffer from a variety of tumors and headaches.
For cosmetic purposesbirch sap is used in acne, skin eczema, dry skin. In these cases the skin is well cleaned with birch sap or prepare a mask based on birch sap. Those who want to have beautiful strong hair, get rid of dandruff and accelerate growth, it is useful to wash my hairbirch sap.
Birch sap is also useful for allergies, but in this case it is necessary to know whether you have, among other reactions, allergic to birch pollen.
How to collect birch sap
Previously birch sap can be found in any store, large three-liter jar crowded shelves of grocery stores abound. Now it is also produced, as in glass and cartons. However, for the conservation of medicinal drink used substances that destroy nutrients and nothing but the taste, reminiscent of childhood, the juice will not give you.
Therefore it is better, if possible, to collectbirch sap yourself. Do so in the period from March to April, when the branches are no leaves, but they will soon have to appear. Usually the period of sap flow lasts 2-3 weeks, so do not waste time.
For the selection of tree sap choose not less than 20 cm in diameter, with a spreading crown, growing in ecologically clean regions. In a small area of about 20 cm from the ground bark from the trunk trimmed (cut off a small square), and then the drilled hole is not deeper than 3-4 cm. The fact that the juice is not moving in the depth of the trunk, and wherein -That between the crust and the upper layers of wood.
Under trickle con wooden container for collecting. You can also substitute a bottle or jar, and a trickle of direct using straws or twisted into a bundle of bandage.
The most "productive" hours for collectionbirch sap between noon and 18 hours, at this time the most active movement juices.
The thicker the tree trunk, the more holes to collect the juice can be done. For instance, if the stem diameter is greater than 40 cm, can be done simultaneously to 4 holes.
Small tree can give you up to 3 liters of juice per day, the plant with a large trunk is able to give up to seven liters.
Once the juice is collected, do not forget to close the holes that there were no bacteria, due to which the plant can become ill and waste away. Holes can close up with wax, a piece of moss, and just clay, most importantly, do not leave them open.
How to save birch sap
Freshly birch sap can be stored in a refrigerator for 2 days without special treatment. In the future, it will start to wander, you will notice it by the way will disappear transparency and drink it starts foaming. Of course, it is better to use fresh juice, but if it is a lot, and you want to prepare it for future use, you can use these recipes.
Recipe 1
For one liter of birch sap added 5 g of citric acid and half a cup of sugar. All are blended, passed through a filter, poured into banks. Then the juice is pasteurized in jars, roll covers and store in a cool place.
Recipe 2
Birch sap syrup can be prepared, which can then be added to beverages. To this end, the liquid is evaporated at low heat with the lid open until the contents thickens to the consistency of honey. Then drain the syrup into a jar and store in refrigerator.
Recipe 3
Foamy drink frombirch sap prepared as follows. At half-liter of juice freshly placed in a bottle, take 2 teaspoons of sugar, zest from the lemon quarters and 3-4 raisins. Sealed bottle stoppers, wound for safety wire, and put in a cool place for two or three months. After the drink "ripen" drink it, adding sugar to taste. Also from birch sap prepared kvass, vinegar, spirits.
Alexander Panyutin
Women's magazine JustLady