Tripping - a happy mood!

 With the onset of spring increases and our activity, we would like to change soon "shackles" of the winter period to something more subtle, femininity stylish shoes with high heels ... And in the same shoes we long to embark on a quest spring adventure. But is it always our desire to coincide with the possibilities of our feet ?!

There are a few very simple rules that will help your legs always stay in the beautiful "mood":

1. Raise your legs more and more!
Often the severity and pain in the legs associated with obstructed blood supply to that part of the body. But these "workaholic" bear the whole burden of not only everyday worries, but, in fact, our body. So make it a rule, when given a minute to sit, lift legs. At work, adapt them under a small stand, for example, a small chair or ottoman; home - a chair will also be indispensable, and the higher, the better. Well, it is best to after a busy day, just lie down and elevate your legs above the level of the head. Or, as in the prone position, stretch your feet against the wall under the maximum wide angle. Such exercises contribute to the outflow of blood from the legs, relieve fatigue and even swelling.

2. tonic!
For the prevention of varicose veins in the morning Impart two to three minute water procedures for the legs. You can rub the foot and ankle with ice cubes or just pour your favorite feet cool water, directing the shower head from the bottom up. The cold helps to narrow veins and increases energy. After this procedure, it is desirable to put on your skin special refreshing gel. Easy confident gait you provided!

3. Baths.
If you have poor blood supply still useful lower legs in a tray with 2 drops of geranium oil, 2 drops of cypress oil and 5 drops of rosemary oil. Hold the leg or in the bath with water, which added 2 tablespoons of baking soda.

4. Work out!
Exercise - one of the best assistants in the fight for healthy beautiful legs. Most useful for them sport - swimming, but there are still some magical exercises that can be performed at any convenient time for you.

Do not stand on the spot without moving more than a few minutesImmobility leads to stagnation of the processes occurring in the body and especially to the stagnation of venous blood.

Go barefoot. Very useful procedure, as not only improves blood circulation and the state of the legs, but also heals the whole body - in fact on foot, as you know, there is a huge number of nerve endings. Has the effect of acupressure.

Walk on tiptoe. Several times a day to do the "swing" - the balancing, shifting weight from heel to toe and back. Or get up on your toes 10 times, and after another 10 - on the heels. This can be done even while sitting.

Lunges. This exercise will strengthen the muscles and veins and weaknesses.

More likely to change the height of the heel. So you are forced to work different muscles and ligaments of the foot and lower leg. The famous Italian Sophia Loren always follows this rule, and choosing shoes, focuses primarily on convenience.

The bathroom on the floor lay a special rubber mat massager for soles of the feet. And do not forget to mark it active until you wash your hands, wash my face, brush your teeth ...

5. develop a habit to wear bags - Distribute the weight evenly on both sides. And lifting something heavy, do not tilt, and squat. When lifting Do not bend the spine.

6. NEVER sit, legs crossed!

7. Use special creams and gels.
Choose tools with components such as, for example, peppermint, menthol, lemon oil, chamomile, tea tree, or a nettle. Their action stimulates blood circulation, strengthens blood vessels, softens and heals the cracks, and a pleasant cooling effect has a calming effect.

It is also good if you acquire a cream with vitamin A, collagen and elastin. He also helps to tighten the skin. By the way, perfectly smoothes and moisturizes the skin of the legs ordinary olive oil!

Easy for you to gait and joyful mood!

Tags: gait, mood