Jump Rope - a simple simulator in your home

Jump Rope - a simple simulator in your home
 Jumping - it is an occasion not only to remember his childhood. Causing positive emotions, exercises with a rope train endurance and can get rid of extra pounds. During the training necessary to monitor respiratory rate, as the load on the body is given decent.

Jumping rope, you engage multiple muscle groups - muscles of the arms, back, legs and abdominals. Initially, the body is given high load, as a gradual increase in the rate is simply impossible. The high rate of employment causes the hard work of the heart and blood vessels. Deciding to start doing jumping rope, Pick shell.

The length of the rope depends on your height - if you stand in the middle of the rope and pull it, the handle should be in the region of the armpits. This length is optimal, since the length of the rope will stop, and short legs make prim.

Pay attention to clothing and carpeting. Dress better in tight suits and sneakers. The floor should be rubberized - it is easier to push off and the load from the impact is reduced.

If you decide to do the exercises with a rope to lose weight, the duration of daily training should be at least half an hour. To strengthen the work of the heart and blood vessels, maintaining stability in good shape fit 15-minute sessions three times a week.

Before you begin any of the jumps, mash ankles - the rotational movement, stretching the calves and tendons to help prevent injuries. As a warm-appropriate small jog to prepare the body to stress.

Start jumping with minimum frequency and gradually increase the intensity. Jump right - on the fingers. If during exercise you feel tired, it is better to be interrupted briefly and walk. Continue to exercise only after normalization of breathing.

Never jump after a hearty lunch. If you suffer from high blood pressure, headaches or chronic diseases of the heart, then do not jump. Problems with joints, spine and obesity are also contraindications for jumping rope.

Tags: house trainer, exercise, jump rope